Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,87

if I wanted to go with you?”

Malcolm’s breath caught in his lungs. “You’d do that?”

“Why not? You’ve lived here for so long. It seems like it’s fair for me to go live on your world.”

“It may never be possible.”

“But if it were, would you take me?”

“Aye, my love. Aye.”

* * * *

Demi, Trey, Harry and Lucien

“What are you looking at, china patterns again?”

Demi slammed his laptop shut. “No. Yes.” Damn, why couldn’t he manage to lie to Trey? He used to be so good at it. Maybe it was a function of growing up, but he preferred to think it was all about the enormous love he had for this man.

He stared mulishly at him. “What’s the problem? It’s a standard part of the getting-married package.”

With a tiny shake of his head, Trey sat beside him at the table. “You’re right, it is…about a few months before the happy day arrives. We’re about four years away. Checking your emails to see about college admissions is not.”

Demi grimaced. “Sure it is. I’ve got a few weeks to make up my mind about where to go. That’s assuming I got into any of them. There’s always community college. Lots of people get their start there.”

“Sure they do. It’s a great alternative for those who can’t go to a four-year college full-time because of money concerns or trouble handling the workload. Neither of those things apply to you.”

Trey took hold of Demi’s hand. His touch was warm, reassuring and arousing as hell. That was standard, and it did a terrific job of distracting him. Trey was his touchstone and had been since the moment they’d met. Not that the big, dumb cop had understood that at first—not like Demi, who’d known from that moment on that they were destined for each other.

He licked his lower lip the way he knew was guaranteed to take his fiancé’s attention away under the circumstances. “Why don’t we go to my room instead?”

Trey’s eyes took on that smoldering look that let Demi know that he was feeling the effects of their touching and the suggestion. Then just like that, his expression changed and his gaze shifted to a spot over Demi’s shoulder.

“Hey, Harry, Lucien… Demi was just about to check his email to see if there were any notifications from colleges.”

Damn the man! He wrenched his hand free, scowling at Trey to convey just how much sex was now off the table for the foreseeable future. Although, who was he kidding? If Trey merely crooked his finger, Demi would be naked and lying on the bed in the blink of an eye.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his laptop and pulled up his email. There were a few notifications from various colleges. His heart thumped wildly as he opened the first one. Dear Mr. Stelalux, we are pleased to extend to you an invitation to matriculate in the coming fall semester…

He practically jumped out of his chair. “Holy shit, I got in!”

“Where?” his human father asked.

Demi was already opening the next one, and the next, and… “Everywhere.”

His fathers’ faces lit up. Trey just looked smug, like he’d never been worried at all that he’d be accepted to college. And that was probably the case. Trey had always believed in him.

The man slid back in his chair, a big grin on his face. “Now, you have choices, and it’s a good thing we live in Boston with all of its schools. I get to keep my job and be nearby while you’re living the college life.”

Demi leaped into the man’s arms, loving how he caught him, even as he grunted in an exaggerated way. He kissed him silly, notwithstanding his parents being right there. They had been very understanding about his needing to be with Trey as much as possible, and the human convention of marriage didn’t mean much to his father Harry, in particular. Except that the kiss led to all kinds of other desires, and the high of knowing he’d have his pick of colleges without having to consider being parted from his man for any period of time had to be let out somehow.

“Take me to bed,” he whispered in Trey’s ear.

“Jesus, Demi, right in front of your parents?” Trey scolded but without much heat, unless he counted the type that was likely shining in his eyes.

“Who are leaving,” his alien father assured them. “We are incredibly proud of you, son,” he added, before both of them kissed him on the cheek and left him Copyright 2016 - 2024