Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,71

disappointed. Can it be this easy? It wasn’t, because a second later, a couple of mercenaries met them around the corner of a hallway. Craig’s group had the element of surprise on their side. And, yeah, inhuman speed. Val and Claude didn’t have to fire a single round. They let their hands to their talking for them. Craig stepped over the bodies to keep up with them.

The next time wasn’t as easy. The five men hanging in what looked like a rec room had time to fumble for their sidearms. Val, Christos and Claude used their silenced handguns to neutralize that threat, although ‘silencer’ was a bit of a misnomer. Their pops were audible and Craig stood at the ready, waiting to see if anyone came down the hallway to investigate, while at the same time, he tried to keep Ric behind him.

“You don’t have to shield me,” the man ground out. “I know how to use my weapon.”

“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to. You’re here to reunite with your man and kid and do doctor stuff. Leave the mess of killing to those of us who are used to it.”

Ric grunted. “You’re telling me you’re callous? I don’t buy it.”

Craig didn’t have time to respond because the others were already out again and on the move. Thank God, because he honestly didn’t know what to say. On the one hand, he knew he could kill and live with it. On the other, he didn’t want to have to, either. Better him than a newbie like the doctor, though.

They entered a hallway that was different. Unlike the others, this one had round black cameras dotting the way. That caused another inner sigh of relief, because it was just how Merlin had described it in his message. Craig was beginning to believe, oh so slowly, that they weren’t going to get fucked this night, that the rescue was going to succeed.

Val rapped on the door at the very end. One of those eyes moved, then a second later, the door flew open. Craig could only see Christos literally knocking Val out of the way. The normally take-no-shit guy didn’t make a murmur of complaint. He merely followed, as did everyone else. Craig was the last to go, making sure to cover their six. He shut them in and took a look around.

Whoa, dead slob drooping in a chair and lots of bad smells. But this was the belly of the beast, again, as Merlin had described it. There was a reunion going on as far away from everyone as possible, where Christos had what must be his Mateo wrapped in his arms and the poor naked kid was weeping. The important thing was that he clung to the alien with his face buried in his chest. That worry Christos had had about what would it be like for them when this rescue occurred had obviously been for nothing, at least for now. He turned to the monitor to give them privacy, as did the others, except for Ric, who went into doctor mode.

“Let me check you out,” the guy said to Mateo.

“I’m all right,” came the watery reply.

Sure you are, kid. Craig peered at the monitors beside Val and Claude. He could see a few bodies, and Alex and the others in his group walking down a hall. Alex had Petru by the scruff of the neck.

He dared to clap Val on the back. “Damn, skippy, this is really happening.”

“Shit!” This from Claude as he pointed to a screen that showed one naked guy lying down and not looking so good, a toddler and a mean-looking teen that had to be Merlin. “Ric!”

The doctor raced over, stared where Claude pointed and made an inhuman sound. “I have to get to them. Where are they?” he demanded of Mateo.

Christos was already dressing his boy like a doll in the clothing and flak jacket he’d carried in his pack. Mateo turned to speak to the doctor. “I’ll take you to them. Dafydd’s in a bad way. Merlin has done what he could, but God, is he going to be glad to see you. We all are,” he added with a sniff.

Then the kid visibly bucked himself up and tried to lead the way out of the room. Christos was having none of that. “Stay behind me. You can tell us as we go.”

“Claude, remain here,” Val ordered. “Give us a holler if you see any trouble heading toward us.” He tapped the communicator Copyright 2016 - 2024