Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,66

perform a marriage, but we’re going to make do. We always have, thanks to our captain. I want to say on a personal level how joyous it is for me to see this day. Alex, no one deserves this happiness more than you do.”

The other warriors added their voices in agreement. Harry gave them a second before starting. “We are gathered here today to witness the union of Alex and Quinn. They have written their own vows, so I will hand the speaking over to them. Alex?”

The leader of the warriors turned to face his groom, their hands clasped together. “My darling boy, I have wanted this from the moment I first set eyes on you. I resisted my heart’s desire out of a foolish fear that loving you would put you at risk—not that my fear was unwarranted, because here we stand, ready to head into battle. What I should have known and what I do know now is that you don’t need coddling or protecting. You are strong and courageous and I would want no one more than you by my side as I do what must be done. I shall love you until the end of time.”

Even at a distance, Alun could tell that Quinn was choked up from those words. There was nothing flowery about them, but they were so clearly heartfelt. And Alex’s expression alone would have said it just as well. His love was written large on his face.

Finally, Quinn got his voice working. “Alex, from the beginning, you scared and thrilled me in equal measure. I wouldn’t have thought that I could fall in love with an alien vampire, to allow my blood to be sucked or to drink yours in return. Yet here I stand, committed to you for the rest of my life. I’m going with you into battle because I want to follow you for the rest of our lives. I didn’t have much time to write my vows, but even if I had years to do so, I could never find the right words. My love for you is indescribable. I only ask you for one thing to seal our union— Kill that motherfucking Dracul so that we can go home and make love for all eternity.”

Alex pulled their hands to his lips and kissed Quinn’s. “As you wish, my dearest.”

“I believe that means you are now officially—or unofficially—married,” Harry said. “You may kiss your husband, Alex.”

Alun scrunched up his face. Those were not the words he would have used if he were pledging his troth to his beloved. But it worked for this couple, because they kissed as if there really was no tomorrow and everyone whooped and clapped until they stopped.

Holding Quinn’s hand up, Alex said, “My husband!” Over more cheering, he added, “Let’s go fulfill my promise.”

And with that, they all left.

* * * *

Merlin considered himself lucky that he hadn’t been forced to dance attendance on the Mad King all day. He had been there to pick up Dafydd’s limp body and take him back to his cell, where Mateo paced in agitation. Dracul hadn’t called for the human to serve him, perhaps thinking that he was dead. None of the men Merlin had tangled with had apparently dared to tattle on him, the one benefit perhaps of Dracul’s volatility. That also worked in Merlin’s favor, because he needed the boy for this one last effort before the raid.

Dafydd was dead weight, unconscious and breathing raggedly. He wouldn’t survive another ‘session’ with his former master. The violence had escalated and the only reason why he’d tossed Dafydd aside was to have the dinner Andri had prepared and to spend time with Idris. The poor boy had screwed up his face and wailed at the sight of his father—Dafydd, that was—and Merlin worried that the baby’s experience was going to scar him for life.

“Let me help,” Mateo called out as he rushed over. “Jesus.”

“Yeah,” Merlin agreed grimly. “I have my medical supplies, though.” He’d taken the time to get them before answering the summons.

Once he and Mateo had managed to put Dafydd in as comfortable a position as they could, he got to work with pain relief and assessing the damage. He was sure a rib or two was broken this time and worried that it was interfering with Dafydd’s breathing. A cold pack wasn’t going to help, but he made sure anyway that Dafydd was on his uninjured side and draped the chemical pack over Copyright 2016 - 2024