Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,52

craned his neck to stare Craig in the eyes. “We might not get another chance to speak alone. I just want you to know that I want you, as well as Merlin, to come out of that dreadful place in one piece.”

Craig ran his hand down Alun’s head, tugging gently, playfully on his tight braid. “That is definitely the plan. I expect you to be equally careful. When I race my ass back to those helos, I better see your smiling face.”

“I’ll do my best, but I don’t smile very much.”

“Oh, really? Now, my other mission is to change that.” He was rewarded with a shy grin. “See? Success already. That was easy.”

“Let’s hope the other one is, as well.”

“Come on, people.” Alex’s voice boomed across the room. “Let’s go.”

Reluctantly, Craig let go of Alun—only enough, however, to clasp his hand. “Do you mind?” he asked.

Alun ducked his head. “No, I don’t suppose so.”

“And we have this like nine-hour plane ride. Can we sit next to each other?”

“If you want.” He smiled shyly once more.

“It’s getting late. People will be sleeping for most of the trip. Mind if we lie out together?” He was pushing it…and knew he was. Yet, he couldn’t help it. Clichéd as it was, he might not survive the assault and he was greedy for as much time with Alun as he could get.

Alun didn’t answer right away. He waited until they’d reached the SUV they’d been assigned to ride in to the airstrip. “I think…that would be lovely.”

“Are you sure? No pressure. I promise I only want to feel you next to me.”

Alun looked at him with his sorrowful eyes and there was something a little lighter, a bit happier, in them than usual. “Yes, I’m sure.”

Chapter Eight

“Please, don’t do this.”

Merlin didn’t look at Mateo. He was afraid that if he did, he’d break down and make a loud confession that someone would hear or the surveillance would pick up. He couldn’t afford to take the chance. If he blew it now, he wouldn’t be able to help the others mount their rescue. As it was, he hadn’t had time to check to see if any response had been sent by Val. He’d been forced to spend the rest of the afternoon at Dracul’s side, basking in the glow of his new status as the Mad King’s favorite acolyte. After that, it had been babysitting duty—which had been fine with him. It got him out of the throne room and spared the baby having to witness Andri’s voluntary sexual degradation. God, the two of them made the perfect pair. Watching Dracul and Andri do anything made him want to vomit.

Now it was time to throw Mateo to the wolves. The boy had struggled when Merlin had come to fetch him and was still doing so. Clearly he didn’t trust Merlin not to hurt him, and that was hardly surprising. It was also pretty dicey that Merlin would be able to pull off the plan he’d formed during the long hours of the afternoon. If he succeeded, he’d both save Mateo and advance the ball for the rescue. It was huge fucking ‘if’, though. The mere thought of what he was going to have to do in the next few minutes made his guts watery. While he’d often fantasized about growing into a fierce warrior, the reality of it being about to happen was nothing like those long-ago imaginings.

As they approached the room where the mercenaries spent time entertaining themselves, Mateo dragged his heals. “Please, Merlin, stop.”

Fear made him short-tempered. He yanked Mateo onto his toes and got into his face. “Shut the fuck up! You’re not helping anything.”

Mateo’s eyes filled with tears. Ignoring that, Merlin pulled him through the open doorway and into the lions’ den. Well, hyenas would be a better term. Jackals, too. Scum of the earth. Except—score—there were only eight of them. That was a happy turn of events. He’d expected more. Apparently homophobia was stronger than boredom. Not all of the sex-starved psychos were interested in abusing a boy. He could work with eight. And while most of the gathered men started whistling and clapping when they saw the two of them, one guy tossed down the cue stick in his hand and grimaced.

“Fuck this. I’m out of here. If it’s not real pussy, I’m not interested.”

“Don’t be stupid, Karl,” another said. “It’s a hole. Two of them. We can tag team the slut.” Karl simply shook his head and left Copyright 2016 - 2024