Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,38


He was wrong. As he escorted his almost-date into the living area, they were greeted by a three-wide block of chests and angry glares.

Chapter Six

Alun stopped abruptly, backing up a half-step right into Craig’s arms. He took hold of him, trying to convey his determination to protect him from whatever was going on. There was no way he was going to let these alien fuckers make Alun feel bad about the nice evening they’d shared.

“Hey, Dads, you didn’t have to wait up for us. I told you I’d have him back by eleven.” He paused to give each Val, Will and Malcolm the deadliest warning stare he could muster. “What? No shotgun?” he added with a flash of a grin and quick squeeze of Alun’s arms to convey that he was joking. At least, he hoped that message was coming through.

It was Val who broke the silence on their end. “When I did my usually nightly sweep and realized Alun was gone, we became somewhat concerned. I’m sure you can understand why.” Luckily, for him, he kept his furious glare on Craig and not Alun.

Smart guy.

“I’m sorry,” Alun said. “I should have let—”

Craig squeezed again and overrode him. “It’s my fault. I should have thought to leave a note or something.” It was true, damn it. These guys had a right to be worried, and it spoke well of them that they were. Alun wasn’t anyone to them except a poor human who’d been caught up in the middle of their stupid alien war. Their devotion to his well-being was probably the one reason he could leave him in this house tonight without worrying.

He turned Alun around to face him. “Why don’t you go on up to bed? The guys and I are going to have a little chat.”

Alun frowned. “I don’t think that’s a good idea. You don’t have to protect me, you know.”

“But I want to. Besides, you’re safe here. I’m sure of that.” He kissed him, quickly, softly and straight on the lips. It was better than any full-on sex he’d ever had. “Good night…and thanks for coming out with me.”

Alun flashed him a smile. “Good night, then.” With that, he walked up the stairs without giving the others another look.

That made Craig very happy, so much so that he was grinning from ear to ear when he turned back to the others. He held out his arms. “Okay, gentlemen, who wants to take the first swing?”

Malcolm snorted. “Whoever takes the first one will make it the last.”

“You don’t scare me.”

“Don’t we now, laddie?”

“Nope, because I know you’re only mad because you were actually worried about Alun, and I appreciate that sentiment. I really do.”

That shut them up for a few seconds until Val asked, “Where did you take him?”

“To church.”

“Seriously?” Will said. “I had no idea he was religious.”

“I bet there are a lot of things about him you don’t know.”

“He’s never asked to be taken to one before,” Val interjected, rather defensively.

Craig barked out a laugh. “You expect him to ask you for shit? Do you have any idea what that man’s been through with your kind?”

“Do you?” Will countered.

“Yeah. Remember that I work vice. I’ve been helping people like Alun most of my career as a police officer. I know how to handle these difficult issues with care. Alun seems to appreciate that. He’s opened up to me about some of it. He hasn’t had anyone to talk to, I guess. And going to church made him feel better. I’m not going to apologize for taking him—or for treating him to his first taste of ice cream. He liked it.”

“Well, of course he liked it,” Val exclaimed. “Everyone likes ice cream, and what do you mean it was his first taste of it? There’s a whole fucking freezer full of the stuff,” he added with a wave of his arm in the direction of the kitchen. “He could have had as much as he wanted.”

Craig crossed his arms and huffed. “You honestly think that man feels free to simply take something, or ask for something, or fucking do anything? He was a goddamn slave for goodness knows how long, with no control, trying to survive. Did you know he was grateful, grateful,” he stressed, “that you all didn’t kill his son outright? His goal from day one has been to keep his head down and do whatever is necessary to appease you, in order to keep himself and his kid safe.”

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