Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,31

anything.” He looked at Alun over his shoulder. “I’m not currently involved with a man, if I haven’t made that perfectly clear yet.”

Now, Alun’s cheeks felt as if they’d caught on fire. “Oh…well…” He didn’t know what to say in response.

Craig finished what he was doing and came to lean over the counter. “I’m sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable. That’s not my intent, and I also know that with what you’ve been through, getting personally entangled with me is probably not on your to-do list, even if you weren’t worrying about your son.

“The thing is, I’m going to be joining the others on this rescue mission and, at the risk of sounding corny, I don’t want to leave without declaring my intentions. I might not have much time left, you know?”

“Don’t say that, mun!” The vehemence came out of nowhere, but the mere thought of this man getting killed sent a fresh wave of horror through him.

“Hey, relax. Jesus, I’m sorry.” Racing around the counter, Craig put his arm lightly around Alun’s shoulder. “I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

Alun blinked his tears away. “You did. I don’t want anyone getting hurt or dying on my account.”

Craig pulled him slowly into a hug, keeping his hold loose, yet clearly offering the comfort of his broad chest. Alun dared to lay his cheek against it. There was no fear, only solace. He knew that if he struggled to free himself, Craig would let him go.

“I’m not going to lie and say I’m not doing this for you, because I am—and for my people. You know…humans. This fucker needs taking down and I happen to have the right experience to help make this mission a success. I would do this whether you existed or not, whether your son’s life was on the line or not. It happens that both of those things give me extra incentive.”

“I can’t imagine why.” Surely there was nothing that he had to offer this man that others couldn’t provide better, and with less baggage.

Craig cupped Alun’s cheek and raised his face to stare into his eyes. “You really don’t get it, do you?” When Alun could only shake his head, he continued, “You’re beautiful and so very precious. How could I not want to make you happy? I’m going to kiss you now, unless you don’t want me to.”

Alun wanted to say he didn’t, yet the words somehow stuck in his throat. He kept his eyes open as Craig’s face got closer to his. Then he had to shut them because Craig’s lips were brushing against his. It was slow and gentle and sweet… and over far too quickly.

“There… That’s going to have to hold me, even though I’d like to do so much more.”

“You can.” Alun spoke without thinking, partly because he couldn’t imagine denying a man anything, given his past oppression. Mostly, though, it was due to something deep inside wanting more.

Craig shook his head. “I can see that you’re not ready. This isn’t about you giving me what I want. I’m not like that fucker who brutalized you. If you’re not with me a hundred percent because you want to be, it’s no good.”

“I’m not sure that will ever be the case,” he admitted reluctantly, but he couldn’t lie to this man about something so important.

Craig nodded slowly. “I understand, and that’s okay, too.” Cocking his head, he stared long and hard. “Are you sure you don’t want to tell me what’s causing the extra worry I see in your eyes? You know you can tell me anything.”

Alun shook his head mutely, hating that he wasn’t better at hiding his feelings.

“At least talk to someone else. Bottling your fear and anger isn’t good for you.”

“There’s no one, really.” A thought occurred to him. “Not on this Earth, anyway.”

“Hmm.” Craig narrowed his eyes. “I have an idea, if you trust me.”

“I do, yes.” He didn’t need to manufacture his conviction.

“Okay, then get a jacket. It’s turned a little chilly out there.” When Alun hesitated, he added, “Do we need to ask anyone if it’s okay for you to leave the house?”

Alun pulled away. “No. I’m not a prisoner. Mostly…” He thought about it some more. “No, let’s go.”

The idea of leaving the house without anyone knowing was oddly thrilling. He wasn’t afraid, either, to be out and about. Craig would protect him. He was sure of that.

Within minutes, he was buckled into the passenger seat of the man’s SUV, riding through the city as Copyright 2016 - 2024