Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,27

not sure I completely understand the hierarchy in the family at the moment, but I am hoping you can intercede on my behalf, at least. “I can understand how the warriors would want their boys to remain behind. They love them and they would only prove to be a distraction. I don’t fall under that category.”

The simple truth only hurt a little bit. And he flashed on Craig, who surely would be among those taking charge. It was obvious he was that kind of man, a warrior of the human variety. It was a nice fantasy to imagine that Craig would put his foot down over Alun going—not that it would make any difference in Alun’s feelings on the subject.

“I think you underestimate your worth in this family,” Annika said kindly. “I, for one, would be very sad if anything bad happened to you.”

Alun flashed a smile. “You are very kind.”

“And truthful.” She paused and sat straighter. “I believe that your worries are premature. Regardless of what the boys believe, Mr. Alex and the others are not the ones in control of their relationships. Even Mr. Val, for all that Mackie calls him Master, is bound to serve his boy, not that Mackie would plead a case for going. He understands that his first concern is to keep his little drone safe. As for the others, I have no doubt that each of them will get their way in this. They aren’t children, nor are they passive. They will go and so will you, as there is no reason to allow them without you.”

A weight lifted off him. “Are you sure?”

“Quite. I’m always right.” She frowned as if surprised and confused by the phenomenon as much as anyone.

He dared to ask her something that had been on his mind since learning that she had conspired with Merlin for him to go with the mercenaries. “Can you see the future?” He hoped somehow she could and would be able to reassure him of his son’s safety.

She shook her head again. “No, it’s not that. I can…see the pieces and put them together in a pattern that makes sense. It seemed obvious to me that Dracul’s next move would be some kind of straight attack to get Dafydd and Idris. I didn’t think I could persuade anyone of that, nor did I believe that the inevitable could be avoidable. It was a matter of how best to use the situation to our advantage.”

She shifted to stare at him more directly. “Merlin was the only one who could become our inside man on this. A hybrid with a chip on his shoulder was perfectly believable as a turncoat, and having him develop a relationship with Idris was the best way to protect the baby. Dafydd would not be in position to do so.” She paused. “You resent my involving Merlin.” It was a statement, not a question.

Alun treated it as one anyway. “I do.” He lowered his gaze. “I’m sorry. I know it makes sense what you did, but still… My son is in the clutches of a monster when he needn’t have been.”

“You have every right to be angry with me. What I do is for the good of the hive, not an individual member of it.” She turned away and took on a thousand-yard stare. “I’ve tried to think differently, but it is proving impossible. And this makes my request all the harder. You have no reason to be kind to me.”

Alun instinctively moved closer and almost put his hand on her shoulder. “No, it’s fine, like. I understand why you did it, and you weren’t wrong. Not when, as you say, the needs of the entire family are taken into consideration. How can I help?” He couldn’t imagine what he had to offer her…or anyone.

An uncharacteristically uncertain look crossed her face before she went back to her usual serene one. She placed both hands on her knees and took a visibly large breath. “I need to go with them, too…the warriors, when they attack Dracul,” she added for clarification. “Because I’m sure no amount of persuasion will get them to agree to take me along, I need you to help me stow away somehow. That way they’ll take me without knowing it.”

It was a good thing that she’d laid it all out, as Alun’s head spun, trying to understand what she’d meant. “You can’t be serious,” he blurted out before he could think better of it.

Annika’s mouth turned down. “I Copyright 2016 - 2024