Final Dance Part Two - Samantha Cayto Page 0,24

dribbled down his chin, testament to how Alex must have torn it open with his nails, his fangs being otherwise occupied.

It was amazing, this feeding. The idea had scared him for a long while, repulsed him even. Wanting to become stronger and more capable had allowed him to override those worries. And once he’d taken a sip of Alex’s blood, it had been like a hit of a drug. He’d been seduced instantly. He turned his head for a better angle, grasping Alex’s arm to hold it right where he wanted it. He sucked like a greedy baby, delighted when his dick responded once again.

The cycle of feeding and being fed while countless orgasms claimed each of them joined Quinn to Alex in a way that he could never explain. It was almost as if he couldn’t tell where one of them left off and the other began. His body spasmed with the conflicting ride of being drained and energized in equal measure. In the end, it was Alex who stopped it all, as per usual, having a strength that Quinn lacked. They lay boneless and entwined, Quinn’s sweaty skin meshed against Alex’s cooler one.

“I love you so much,” he whispered, almost afraid of saying the words out loud. They had expressed this to each other countless times. He feared, however, that the attack on the club and all whom they’d lost had altered things for Alex.

“And I have loved you from the moment I first saw you, my dearest boy. Nothing has changed that.”

The words sent relief coursing through him. He shuddered from the intensity of the emotion and tears pricked at his eyes. He blinked them away furiously, not wanting a repeat performance of his recent breakdown. Crying and screaming weren’t going to get him what he wanted.

“Then please don’t talk about dying.”

Alex lifted his head and stared at him. “I’m not. I’m merely trying to plan for possibilities so that when I go into this battle for the last time, I won’t have it weighing on my mind.”

Reaching to tug some hair away from Alex’s face, Quinn said, “I don’t want you worrying about me. I can take care of myself. I’ve already put away a tidy sum since I started working here. It was easy, given how you won’t let me pay for anything,” he added with a frown. “I mean, it’s not half a billion dollars… Jesus.”

Alex kissed the tip of his nose. “It’s pathetic that it’s not more, given how long I’ve been on this planet. I’m sure Val and Emil have amassed larger sums.”

“Oh, so Mackie, Jase and I can sit around like Scrooge McDuck, counting our gold while you and the others go off to deal with Dracul?” He hadn’t intended to segue so abruptly into the topic that was bothering him. Apparently the post-fucking buzz was fading. “I guess we can add Brenin, Damien and maybe Demi in on that as well, although Trey is staying behind, so…

And now he’d landed deep in the shit with that snippy comment.

Alex, who missed nothing, no matter how logy he was from fucking and feeding, narrowed his eyes. “Someone has been eavesdropping.”

“Damn straight I have.” He wiggled a bit. It was hard to have a frank discussion when a large dick was still stuck in his ass.

Alex rolled his hips, making Quinn groan before answering. “There was no need. I was going to explain it all to you after you signed the bank cards. I’m not keeping anything from you, Quinn.”

“It sure feels as if you are.” He grimaced. “Why aren’t you taking us with you?”

“You’re the one with his ear to the keyhole, my dear. You know the answer to that already.”

“Yeah, but it’s not fair. Haven’t we proved ourselves plenty so far?”

“Your courage is not in doubt. It’s…” Alex’s gaze went inward. His expression going from grim to something far worse. Horror, maybe?

The guy somehow managed to sit them up without dislodging his cock and with Quinn ending up straddling his lap. Alex clasped Quinn’s head with both hands and stared hard into his eyes.

“I can’t express—not in any language, including my own tongue—what it was like for me to see you there…on the dance floor,” he clarified, although Quinn had understood what he’d meant. “I don’t know how all of those bullets managed to miss you. It was a testament to the quality of mercenaries Dracul hired, I suppose.

“But they were after you, Quinn. Have no doubt about that. He knew Copyright 2016 - 2024