A Filthy Friend (Filthy Line #5) - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,34

never seen Sab play drums before. Which seemed kind of crazy. But when we were younger, he didn’t have a drum set at his disposal all the time.

Then came the song for Mitchy.

The five guys lined up on stage with acoustic guitars then started to play and sing.

Their voices all together felt like the rumble of a plane landing in my chest.

In a good way.

It was perfect.

I caught myself standing up.

I looked at Liv and Abby.

They looked at me.

My brain told me I had three seconds until I was going to burst into tears.

I turned and moved toward the door to get outside.

Once there, I took a deep breath and felt the emotion crush me.

I bent my knees and crouched down, burying my face into my hands.

It was a good thing I wasn’t a makeup kind of woman because I would have been a bigger mess.

Guilt hit me hard as a stark reminder that I was in Los Angeles with a bunch of rock stars, while back home everything my mother possessed was just sitting there. Her entire house had to be cleaned out. I had to deal with the lawyers still. Oh, and let’s not forget the bombshell that I was adopted…

I didn’t anticipate crying as long as I did.

And it only hit me that I had been crying that long when the door opened and Sab came hurrying out.

Liv and Abby were right behind him.

I stood up and looked at Sab.

He threw his arms around me and hugged me without saying a word.

I clutched at the back of his shirt.

“I’m right here, babe,” he whispered.

“I know,” I said.

I took a deep breath and stepped back.

I wiped the corners of my eyes.

I looked at Liv and Abby.

“How the fuck aren’t you two not crying?” I asked. “What a song, right?”

“The whiskey helps,” Abby said.

“I should have had more,” I said. I smiled. “Uh… this is going to sound weird. Since we just met…”

The door opened again and the rest of the band came outside too.

“What’s going on?” Reed asked.

“Is she okay?” Dex asked Sab about me.

“Yeah,” Sab said.

“I’m Bree, by the way,” I said. “Sorry about crashing your place here.”

“It’s cool,” Jay said. “Are you crying because you realized how ugly Sab is?”

“I’m actually crying because my mother died just a couple of days ago,” I said.

“Oh, fuck,” Jay said.

“That’s why you took off to be with her?” Nash asked.

“Yeah,” Sab said. “I didn’t want to say anything.”

“We thought it was because of Mitchy,” Dex said.

“Bree, I’m so sorry,” Liv said.

She came to my other side and grabbed my hand.

Then Abby got close to me.

Next thing I knew, the entire band was against me.

It was a weird group hug… rock stars… their girlfriends… Sab and me…

“I was just fucking around,” Jay whispered. “I had no idea…”

“It’s okay,” I said. “Sorry for ruining the mood.”

“No,” Dex said. “We’re all feeling like hell right now.”

“We’re in this with you,” Nash said.

I felt ready to cry again.

It was one of the wildest moments of my life.

“You know what we need?” Reed asked.

“To get naked and be wild?” Jay asked.

“I’d like to see you say that with Wren here,” Nash said.

“We need a drink,” Reed said.

“Fuck, yes,” I said.

They all laughed.

I looked at Sab and he winked at me.

If I was going to be around rock stars, I needed to learn how to party like one.

My head swayed like I was missing a few bones in my neck.


Sab was next to me in the backseat.

We looked at each other and started to laugh.

“That was a lot to drink,” I said.

“Yeah, it was, babe,” he said. “Told you to watch out for Jay’s house. It sneaks up on you. You should have seen it before he met Wren. There were naked women everywhere.”

“I don’t want to hear that,” I said. “I don’t want to think about you and other women.”

“Sure you do,” Sab teased.

“Leave me alone,” I said.

I turned toward the window and shut my eyes.

We ended up going from the practice space to Jay’s house.

I met the rest of the ladies that somehow managed to tame Filthy Line.

And we partied like the world was ending.

I didn’t have anything to swim in.

And Sab had no problem grabbing me and jumping into the pool.

Both of us, soaked in our clothes.

Except for him, he just peeled his shirt off and looked like a chiseled statue of rock star muscle. For me, my clothes hugged every curve I had. Including the ones my clothes were meant to

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