A FILTHY Enemy - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,54

both FILTHY LINE and RAUNCHY RECKS were going to go on a massive tour. That fell apart. As far as the music went, the fans got the best of both bands. We fought on the charts. We fought for bigger crowds at our shows. And we fought in real life.

I couldn’t fully see what was happening but the crowd pushed even harder.

Then I heard some yells.

Next thing I knew, fists were being thrown.

My guess was that Ven lost his cool.

Which didn’t take much to do.

He was known for being a hothead. For fighting security, male fans, executives… even his own band.

All I could picture was something happening to Abby.

I barreled into the crowd and pushed my way through with my head down.

A few people called my name but I just kept moving.

When I could finally see Abby again, the scene was crazy.

A security guard picked her up and moved her.

That security guard went after Ven.

Ven hit the guy.

The rest of RAUNCHY RECKS came out of the club and got into the mix.

The fight cooled off, but no matter what Ven or the band did or yelled to the fans, they ate it up.

Ven was waving his middle fingers and everyone cheered him on.

Then came the moment he reached for Abby’s hand.

She reached for his hand and I should have just let her go.

Let her make her own decision and live her life.

My heart decided to throw images of Abby sitting on the side of the road the night I booted her ass off the tour bus.

It was the wrong thing to do then.

I knew that.

My reasons felt right. The actions were wrong.

I jumped forward and knocked Ven’s hand out of the way.

Abby looked at me and let out a gasp.

“What the fuck are you doing here?” Ven asked.

“Don’t touch her,” I said.

Ven clapped his hands together and then waved his hands at me, calling for a fight.

“Let’s give them a show, brother,” Ven said. “You and me.”

I looked at Neo. “Can you control your pet?”

“Where’s the rest of your bitches?” Brendan asked.

“Crying over a piano,” Conor said. He pretended to play a piano and sobbed. “I’m a pussy. I’m a sellout. I can’t write a decent song anymore…”

They all started to laugh.

The crowd cheered for both bands.

Security was pushing everyone out of the way.

“Let’s bolt,” Ven said. “Fuck this shit.”

Abby took a step and I touched her arm. “Really?”

“What?” she snapped at me.

“That’s what you want?”

“It’s none of your business, Reed,” she said. “You got what you wanted from me.”

“And what’s that, honey?”

Abby broke away from me. “We’re even. I sing. You fuck. End of story.”

I moved toward her.

Two women broke away from the security guards and were suddenly all over me.

One kissed my cheek.

The other had her phone out, taking pictures.

I reached for Abby but couldn’t get to her.

I was desperate.

If she got into that limo with Ven…


Abby didn’t turn around.

She just slowly backed up.

Staring at me.

I carefully broke away from the two fans.

But there were more.

Security wasn’t able to contain everyone.

Neo climbed up on the back of the limo.

“Who’s ready to fucking get raunchy?” he screamed.

I broke away again and ran to Abby.

My hands touched her cheeks.

And I said the first thing that came to mind.

“I’m sorry.”

The words hurt to say, but they were there.

I moved my hands and I leaned down and kissed her cheek.

Then I turned and ran toward the door where RAUNCHY RECKS had exited from.

As I ripped open the door and heard the blaring sound of one of the band’s shitty songs, I paused and gritted my teeth.

I told myself not to look over my shoulder at her.

Saying sorry was hard enough as it was.

If I went inside the club and left Abby outside, it was about the same as when I left her on the side of the road. She was trapped in a crowd of fans and security. She had no way out of there. And who knew what would happen to her. Fans could end up mauling her to get her phone to get Ven’s number.

Does she have Ven’s number in her phone? If so, how the fuck did that happen?

The jealousy raged inside me.

And I did look back.

I couldn’t find Abby.

“Shit,” I whispered.

If she was gone, that means she took off on her own.

Fuck it. Right?

I let the door go and it shut.

Not hearing the bullshit music from RAUNCHY RECKS was good for my ears.

And honestly… not seeing Abby was good for my heart.

Whatever she was doing or wherever she

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