A FILTHY Enemy - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,46

gasped, hurrying to cover herself up.

She turned and sat up, leaving me to see her naked backside. Her shoulder blades… her back… the curve of her ass… sitting on the edge of my bed.

“Yeah, I think I need to eat something,” she said.

“I know, honey,” I said. “When you drink and fuck like that, you always need coffee and grease the next morning. Then you shower. And then you feel ready to go.”

Abby looked back at me. “Don’t talk about me like that, Reed. Just because you cut out a small part of my past, don’t act like it’s real right now.”

I showed my hands. “Just trying to be a good host.”

“Do you do that for all your whores?”

“Depends on the whore,” I said. “Sometimes they get a pat on the ass and go home right away. Sometimes I have Neils cook something quick and then kick them out.”

“Oh, I see. So I’m getting the pity breakfast then?”

“No, you’re getting the pity shower,” I said. “Then you can get the fuck out of here.”

“What an asshole,” Abby said.

I threw the covers off my body and stood up.

I caught Abby marveling at my cock.

Not that I could blame her.

Even soft, I had quite the show to offer.

I stretched and groaned.

“Are you going to put that thing away?” Abby yelled.

I looked down at my dick and smiled. “I know somewhere I can hide him for a little bit…”

Abby sighed. “Can I have some privacy?”

“For what?” I asked.

“I have to pee,” she said. “And I have to get dressed.”

“Don’t do that,” I said. “Throw on one of my shirts and get something to eat. Then you can shower. Plus, I think your clothes are in the hallway…”

Abby’s face turned red again. “Oh.”

I laughed and found my jeans on the bedroom floor.

I stepped into them and walked to Abby.

I leaned down and kissed the top of her head.

She put her hand to my stomach and pushed me away.

I took the hint and left the bedroom.

I gathered up her clothes from the floor and took them to the bedroom door and dropped them back to the floor.

As I turned, I realized I was torn in half.

One half of me didn’t mind Abby hanging around right now. She knew me. She could handle me. We could go back and forth and not have to worry about hurting each other.

The other half… wanted her out of my fucking house and life right now. Wanted her to finish her vocals on the new song, take her paycheck, and then fuck off for good. It wanted me to drive her somewhere a few hours away and drop her ass off on the side of the road again.

And with that…

The war inside my heart and cock had officially began.

Neils slid me a coffee.

“Thanks, my man,” I said.

“Anytime,” he said. “What’s today look like for Reed?”

I laughed. “The usual.”

“Booze, drugs, and pussy?” Neils asked.

“As opposed to what?” I asked with a wink.

“Damn, man,” Neils said. “That’s good stuff. You know, there’s a little bit of a rock star vibe to the cooking world. Not many people think about it or realize it though. I have some stories that would…”

Neils stopped himself as Abby appeared.

I laughed.

“You don’t have to stop talking because of her,” I said.

“What happened?” Abby asked.

“Neils, you remember Abby, right?”

“Yes, I do,” Neils said. “She had one of my smoothies.”

“Which tasted gross,” Abby said.

“But it worked,” Neils said.

“That it did,” Abby said.

“Neils was just telling me all the women he fucked while partying like a rock star chef,” I said.

“Christ, Reed,” Neils said. “Do you have to say it like that?”

“What?” I asked.

“Don’t worry,” Abby said. “I know he’s an asshole and embellishes everything.”

Neils laughed. “She talks. Interesting.”

“Why is that interesting?” Abby asked.

“No reason,” I said.

“Oh, no, there’s good reason,” Neils said.

I pointed to Neils. “I’ll fire you.”

“I want to know,” Abby said.

“He’s being a dick,” I said to Abby. “He’s jealous because I get all the hot chicks.”

“Hot chicks,” Abby said. “Am I a hot chick?”

“You’re just Abby,” I said.

“Fuck you, Reed,” Abby yelled.

“Whoa,” Neils said. “From my point of view, you’re a hot chick.”

“Watch yourself, Neils,” I warned.

“Thank you, Neils,” Abby said.

Neils looked at me.

I saw the grin on his face.

It was pretty damn obvious that Abby and I knew each other.

Fine. So what.

Neils made a giant platter of fresh eggs, pancakes, and some kind of potato thing that made no sense to be a breakfast food, but always tasted good when mixed with the egg yolks.


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