A FILTHY Enemy - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,36

worked their way into my jeans.

She pressed her body against mine as her trained hands went to work.

She pulled my cock free and stroked with precision.

I swallowed hard and knew I stood no chance against this battle.

This wasn’t going to be a hold back from coming kind of deal.

She knew where to grip, when to twist, and how to tug.

That was fine by me.

I needed to blow my load and then find a bed.

Which is what I did.

All over Jay’s window.

I left a creamy, streaky mess and zipped up my jeans and walked down the hallway without looking back.

To me, that’s the perfect relationship to have.



I wasn’t proud of it but I wasn’t ashamed to admit that I tried to cry myself to sleep. I thought by just letting it all out, I would eventually tire out and just sleep.

It made sense but it didn’t work.

Crying didn’t get me anywhere in life.

I didn’t want to be the woman that cried when things got tough either.

I also didn’t expect Reed to show up to Ungro and bother me.

I told him what happened and he got pissed but then it was… nothing.

Which was good.

I didn’t need him fighting my battles.

There was no battle to fight either.

What happened with Don and his family was done and over with.

Someday his bullshit would catch up to him. His family would be crushed but they’d get over it.

And it shouldn’t have even been on my mind.

But it was.

Because of Reed.

Crying didn’t work.

Thinking about Reed was a bad idea.

Obsessing over what happened wasn’t going to help.

Valerie was passed out.

Jess texted me an eggplant emoji which was her way of telling me she was with a guy and not to bother her.

So that’s when another idea came to me.

I had a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

Another rock star.


I sat up on the edge of my bed and put the number into my phone.


A quick, little text.

I wasn’t sure if he would actually respond.

Well, well, well… I bet I know who this is.

My face blushed.

Are you sure about that?

I wait and licked my lips.

Singing with the enemy. Of course I know who this is. Want to come over?

I laughed.

“Wow,” I whispered.

That’s a little right to the point. Can’t we just say hi first?

I slowly fell back down to my bed.

Ven replied back.

I just don’t like wasting time. Life is too short. You can tell me your middle name over a drink or while I’m inside you. Both will feel good. I know which I’d prefer.

Rock stars… they were all…

Depends on the drink.

Ven replied back with a wink emoji.

Then another text came through.

You’re not coming over tonight. You just wanted to see what I would say or do. So tell me when do I get to see you, Abby.

I swallowed hard.

My cheeks were really warm.

Not sure. I guess I’ll text you.

Ven replied with a peace sign.

I put my phone down.

For the first time all day I felt like I was in control of something.

I woke up and was on rock star time when it came time to get to the studio.

That meant showing up after noon and then waiting for the rest of the band to show up.

They all did, one by one.

Dex looked sober.

Nash looked a little hungover.

Jay and Sab basically crawled into the studio.

Sab asked for caffeine.

Jay wanted more booze.

And then there was Reed.

And once again, he acted like I didn’t exist.

Like I was fucking invisible.

Yet just hours ago he stood outside Ungro and looked ready to punch a wall because I told him some guy grabbed my ass.

What a dick.

But that didn’t matter.

I was in the studio for a job.

I was getting paid to sing back up for FILTHY LINE.

The band all took their spots.

Sab twirled his drumsticks and then played a quick solo.

Jay stretched his back and strummed his guitar.

There was no sound.

Same for Dex.

Reed leaned against the piano, his bass around his neck.

Staring forward.

I felt like waving my middle fingers at him to see if he would react.

Instead, we played the song again.

This sweet, almost haunting melody that told the story of a relationship…. Beginning to end. Meeting, falling in love, living through that elusive honeymoon period. Then getting serious, life getting in the way, and then the eventual breakup.

It was a really good song.

It ended with a sense of redemption.

Of love making it through all the bad.

That was the twist that would make the song a monster hit. It would be played at every school dance, every

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