A FILTHY Enemy - Jaxson Kidman Page 0,26

around the bed and saw the figure of Abby on the floor.

The aroma lingering in the air wasn’t all that pleasant, suggesting to me that the bucket next to her had a little surprise in it.

I got closer to her and crouched down.

I gently touched the side of her body to make sure she was breathing.

Her body moved with a deep, sleep-filled breath.

I looked forward and saw the stars outside the window in the sky.

Thousands. Millions.

Billions and trillions out there, Reed!

I looked down at Abby.

Her mouth was open in her drunken sleep.

She was a pretty mess, that was for sure.

As I started to move my hand away from her body, Abby moved her left hand and grabbed my hand.

She pulled it to the front of her body and tucked my hand to her chest.

I leaned closer to her and could smell her hair. Her clothes. Her skin. The smell of vomit.

She squeezed her hand around mine tighter and let out a purring groan sound.

I shook my head.

If she woke up right then and realized it was me next to her and it was my hand she was holding, she would have freaked the hell out. And threw up again.

I carefully wrestled my hand free from her grip and stood up.

She was fine.

She got the last of the puke out and was now sleeping.

“Goodnight, honey,” I whispered.

I left the room again and that was it for the night.

Abby would have to face the consequences of her drinking, and waking up in my house.

I would have loved to have seen the look on her face when she was sober and realized what she had done.

It was almost tempting to go back to the bedroom and crash in the guest bed and wait for her to wake up.

It was very tempting…

“Shit,” I whispered.

That’s when I remembered something.

I had someone in my bed waiting for me.

“Did you get lost or what?”

I didn’t shut the door all the way.

My hands balled into tight fists.

She sat up on the bed in a sea of pillows.


Her dark hair had thick curls. The ends of her hair flirted with her perfectly tight and puckered nipples. Like another set of eyes staring at me with desire.

My cock throbbed and sent a begging signal up to my brain to shut the door, lock it, and finish what I had started.

Lexi wanted to fool around slowly.

She was all about the slow burn when it came to pretending romance and not pretending orgasms. She wanted us to take each piece of clothing off of one another and tease the fuck out of each other.

I was down for anything.

I had nothing but time to kill.

Until my phone went off with that text from Abby.

Lexi had her legs bent. Her knees together. She touched her hair with her right hand. The nail polish on her fingers was a rock star neon pink color. And it matched the color on her toes.

“Did you forget how to talk?” she asked. “At least tell me your tongue still works…”

As she spoke, she parted her legs.

My eyes moved down her body.

From smooth skin to the silk skin.

With her left hand, she touched between her legs and bit her lip.

“Do I have to do it myself?” she asked.

I inched my way across the bedroom floor.

Lexi took one swipe at her own body and then stopped.

She sat up all the way and crossed her legs.

So casual, like she forgot that she was naked.

Not that it was a big deal for her.

Her career was to be naked.

And she was really good at her career.

She was killer smart too.

Not that any of it mattered as I approached the bed.

My fingertips touched the sheets and I nodded.

“What’s wrong, Reed?” she asked.

“I’ll get you a ride,” I said. “But you have to go.”

“Right now?” Lexi asked.

“Right now.”

“I thought we…”

“I know,” I said. “Shit happens.”

“What kind of shit just happened then?” Lexi asked.

“You’re not my girlfriend, honey. You’re not my wife. You’re not my anything. I placed an order and you showed up. I no longer want that order.”

Lexi curled her lip. “Oh, really? Should I cough up all the cum I swallowed an hour ago then?”

She scrambled to get off my large bed.

I stood in place as she collected her clothes.

She didn’t even bother getting dressed.

There was plenty of house for her to walk through, hating me, putting on her clothes as she walked to the front door.

“A car will be waiting soon,” I said without looking at her.

“Wow, Reed, thanks,” she said. “My

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