Filled - Alexa Riley Page 0,21

put it back to my ear. “Who is this?”

“Vivian, Bambi’s boss. I believe you put my employee in the hospital yesterday?”

Was that only a day ago? It feels like a lifetime away. I don’t answer as she sighs.

“Have Bambi back here by tomorrow night or pay the consequences.”

“How much is that going to cost me?” I have no intentions of giving Bambi to anyone, but if it takes paying off this Vivian woman because I kicked her goon’s ass, then so be it.

“It will cost you Bambi.” I hear someone call out her name and it’s loud enough that I pull the phone away from my ear.

“Jero!” Bambi climbs off the table to where I’m standing.

“Fuck,” I whisper, but Vivian continues talking on the other end.

“You have until tomorrow night.”

The phone goes silent, and I see the call has ended. I look into Bambi’s eyes that are filled with tears. I don’t know what to do, so I do the first thing that comes to mind and I hold her against me.

“It’s going to be okay.” I kiss the top of her head and hope I’m telling the truth.

Chapter Eleven


Angus’s hand rests on my thigh. It’s been there since we got into the car. I think he’s trying to reassure himself that I’m still here.

How did I go from having the sweetest moment in my life to having it all crash around me? This shouldn’t be shocking, really. Isn’t that how my story always goes?

“You should really try and get some sleep.” I don’t know how long we’ve been on the road, but it feels like hours. Angus and I have said a few words to each other, but otherwise we’ve ridden in silence.

“I don’t think I could sleep if I wanted to.” Not with how my mind is racing.

“Babe, I’m sorry I snapped back there.”

“I get it.”

When I rushed to get all my stuff together, Angus lost it. He didn’t want me going anywhere, but what was I supposed to do? Was I just supposed to wait around until I got horrible news about my brother? How do I even know it would stop there? They’d keep looking for both Angus and me, and now we have no choice.

“I can’t lose you. I only just found you.” I turn to look at him, and there is so much emotion in his words.

“I don’t want to lose you either. This has been incredible. I want you to know that my time with you has truly been the best of my life.”

“Shit. Don’t say it like that. That sounds like a goodbye.”

“I didn’t want to not tell you.” I hesitate for a moment but then take a breath and let the words come out. “I think I’m in love with you, and I don’t want you to say it back.” Even in the darkness of the car, I see his jaw clench. He wants to talk, but I hold my hand up and keep going. “I know that’s fast to say, and you probably think with my lack of experience that I’m confusing lust with love, but I’m not. I know what I feel. And I don’t expect you to say it back or anything. I just needed to say it and…” I trail off. I’m rambling now because I know when I stop talking, he’s going to start.

“Can I speak now?”

“Yes.” I bite my lip, suddenly nervous. To my surprise, he pulls the car over, and then I wonder if this is worse than I expected.

He pulls me over into his lap as his seat slides back. It's so fast I don’t realize what’s happening until I’m straddling him.

“I’ve loved you since you walked into that hotel room. Why do you think I lost it when they took you from me?” A lump forms in my throat. I can’t remember the last time someone told me that they loved me, and it meant something.

“I thought maybe you were worried for my safety.” He gives me a look, knowing my answer is bullshit. “Okay, maybe I told myself that was the reason because it was too crazy to think you wanted me that badly. I was afraid that if it was true, and then I never saw you again, it would break my heart.” His hands cup my face as he pulls me in for a kiss.

My lips part, and his tongue slides in as he shows me just how he feels. His mouth tells me he loves me, and we Copyright 2016 - 2024