Filled - Alexa Riley Page 0,13

but I can barely keep my eyes open.”

I place the last dish in the dishwasher and come around to where she’s sitting. “Come on, I’ll show you where you can sleep.”

I take her by the hand and stand there for a quiet moment before I lead her back out of the kitchen and up the stairs to the second floor. As her fingers wrap around my palm, it feels as though I’m holding on to her heart.

When we get to the master bedroom, I open the door and show her where I sleep. The cabin is built out of logs I cut myself, and I even made the bed with my own two hands. I’m proud of what I’ve built here, and having Bambi in this space feels like all the hard work was worth it.

“Is this your room?” she asks, stepping forward to touch the frame. “Did you make this too?”

I nod, and she smiles at me like I made it just for her. Maybe I did.

“You don’t have any guest rooms in this big ol’ place?”

“Yeah, I’ve got several, but this is the best. And that’s what you deserve.” I pull her close to me, and not for the first time, I think about how perfectly she fits against my chest. “If it’s okay, I want to sleep with you tonight. Nothing more than sleep, I promise.” I touch my finger along her jaw, reminding myself she’s here and she’s real. “I’m just not ready to let you go.” Ever, my mind finishes, but I don’t say it out loud.

“I don’t want to be alone.”

With that, I scoop her up in my arms and carry her to the bed. “Anything you want is yours,” I say, laying her down and spooning in behind her.

We’re both still dressed, and that’s okay for now. She’s so tired she can hardly keep her eyes open, and if I strip her down, who knows if I can keep my promise to her? Tonight I’ll only hold her and give her the comfort she needs. But I’m no saint, and this woman in my arms is the one thing that’s tempted me most.

Chapter Seven


God, he feels good. As soon as he wrapped his arms around me, I was out. I felt safe all night, and I can’t remember the last time I truly had that. Even in my own home, my brother always has random people coming and going. Heck, the walk to and from my place isn't the best either. In the city I’m always on edge, and I didn't realize how much until Angus put his arms around me and I let go. As crazy as it sounds, I can breathe easier here.

Slowly I roll over, not wanting to wake him up. I press my face into his neck and breathe in his masculine scent. What is it about this man? There’s this pull I have to him that feels like blind trust. More than that, I think I might be falling for him.

When he shifts, I still, but his arms only tighten as he pulls me closer. My leg slides up and over his stomach to rest there as he lies on his back. My chest presses into his side, and now the oversized shirt I put on in the middle of the night when I got up to go to the bathroom is bunched up high around my waist.

Angus’s big hand comes down to rest on my thigh, and when his fingers dig into me, I realize he might be awake. I look up, but it’s hard to see in the dark. I let out a breath when he doesn't move again, and I’m thankful I can go back to breathing him in. I tell myself this isn't crazy. Okay, maybe a little crazy because now I’m touching my mouth against his neck, wondering what he tastes like.

I gasp when the hand on my thigh squeezes me tighter. “Bambi.”

His voice is deep and filled with sleep. I lick my lips, and my tongue grazes his skin. His whole body goes rigid, and I stop.

“Yeah, it’s me. Did you think it was someone else?” I try to tease, but as I say the words, I regret them because I don’t want to think about him with another woman.

“Trust me, I know who it is. I was giving you a warning.”

“A warning?” I cuddle closer and wonder how I can possibly ever sleep in my own bed after this. I think Copyright 2016 - 2024