Fierce Love - By Phoebe Conn Page 0,97


"As an administrator, you'll be generously paid for your time," the attorney said.

Ana slid the engagement ring onto her right hand and left with a sniffled good-bye. Santos rose but didn't stop her. "Don't say a word," he cautioned Maggie.

"I wouldn't dream of it, but Augustin married the wrong woman, and our father did it repeatedly. You're sure to do better."

"I told you I'm not getting married, ever." He sat and pushed his chair away from the table to be more comfortable. "You ought to have the kids, Magdalena, and I'll leave the ranch to the little half-Gypsy brats. It'll be good to have some new blood in the family."

"My children won't be brats," she emphasized, without commenting on who their father might be. Then the mention of blood struck her. "Do you have the same blood type as Father did?" she asked.

"Yes, A positive. What about you?"

"Mine's A positive too." With his exotic Gypsy background, she doubted Rafael would share their blood type. Feeling sick, she grabbed the edge of the table. Her father must have known heart recipients and their donors had to share the same blood type. He'd mentioned fans donated blood before bullfights, so without too much difficulty, he could have discovered the blood type of any matador he chose. Or he could have focused on Santos and used Rafael to push his son into taking ever more dangerous risks.

Mr. Calderon noted the sudden paleness of her skin. "The last few days have been difficult for us all, Miss Aragon, but a very fine investment firm handles the family trust, and you won't be expected to consider individual investments. You'll simply meet with us each quarter to review the portfolio."

The Aragon trust was the least of her worries. "I'm a teacher and might not be able to visit Spain that often."

Santos sat forward. "You're still going home? Why? What do you have there that compares to what you have here?"

She had a ready answer. "Men who don't risk their lives every weekend."

"Our father died in his bed, or damn close to it, and so did Augustin."

"Let's not argue," she stressed.

The attorney looked between them and hastened to regain control of the conversation. "Miss Aragon, we can set the quarterly meetings for a time you find convenient, perhaps during your holiday vacations. All your expenses will be paid by the trust."

"Thank you, but I'm still a poor choice for an administrator's job. Did my father suggest any alternates?"

The attorney drew in a deep breath. "No. His mother and sister lack any sort of financial sense. His other children are too young. Please consider this an honor."

"Of course," she replied, utterly overwhelmed. "I just wish he'd told me what he expected from me."

"I'll take care of everything, Magdalena," Santos promised. "You won't need to become a CPA."

"Thank you." She found a faint smile but felt more like weeping as Ana had. She couldn't think of her father without seeing the guilt in his eyes. He hadn't been horrified by her question but by his own answer.

Fox was seated facing the entrance to the cafe and saw Ana walk up to the counter. "There's Ana. I'll ask her to sit with us." He sprang out of the booth, then caught himself and slowed his pace to walk toward her.

She looked over her shoulder, saw Rafael and returned with Fox. "I'm just taking coffee to go," she murmured, "but I wanted to say good-bye to you both. Santos and I didn't see each other for long, but I wish we hadn't been fighting in front of you." When she flopped her purse on the table, her spectacular diamond ring was impossible to miss.

Fox grabbed her hand. "Is this what Miguel left you?"

Ana pulled a tissue from her purse and blew her nose. "Yes. It's beautiful, isn't it? But it will make me far too sad to wear it. Maybe I'll donate it for a charity auction."

"No, you ought to keep it," Rafael advised. "It suits you."

"Really?" Ana turned her hand, and the diamond caught the light and sparkled even brighter. "I did love Miguel, but..."

Fox and Rafael listened, but she failed to continue. The waitress brought her coffee in a lidded take-out cup, and she added cream and sugar. "I should have asked for copies of your photos," Rafael said.

"I gave Magdalena two copies of you two dancing, so there's one for you. There's an extra one of her with you, Fox, and another for Santos with her. There are Copyright 2016 - 2024