A Feast of Dragons - By Morgan Rice Page 0,82

wore a deep scowl and a look of grave concern, and he marched quickly, the others on his tail, all members of The Silver, famous warriors each.

“Open these doors at once,” Brom commanded the guards.

“But sire, a Council meeting is in session,” said one of the guards tentatively, looking very nervous.

Brom quickly moved one hand to his hilt, menacing.

“I’m not going to tell you again,” he growled.

The guards exchanged a glance, then quickly stepped aside and yanked open the doors.

Brom, furious, marched right past them, into the Council chamber, followed by his men.

Gwen and Thor exchanged a puzzled look, then followed them in.

Gwen was baffled; this was not going as she had planned. She had to find out what was going on, and to decide if now was the right time to confront Gareth.

As they followed them in, the big doors slammed closed behind them, and a dozen councilmembers, seated in a broad semi-circle, in ancient, oak chairs, all turned. Gareth sat in the center of the room, on his throne, and looked up, surprised. Gareth scowled.

“Well, well,” Gareth said. “If it isn’t Brom. If I recall, you quit this council.”

“I have come to deliver dire news,” Brom said hastily. “Our men tell us of a breach of the Highlands. A full scale invasion of the McClouds. Entire villages wiped out. It seems the McClouds have found their opportunity in your reign. They are murdering our people even as we speak. War has begun.”

Gwen felt the wind taken from her; she could hardly believe this news, as she stood several feet behind them, watching the whole thing. She watched Gareth’s face transform, to one of shock. He sat there, frozen, not responding.

“What do you propose we do?” Brom prodded.

“What do you mean?” Gareth asked, nervous.

“I mean, what is your command? What is your strategy? How do you plan to meet their forces? Which formations will you choose? Which armies will you send out? Which will stay at home? And what will be our counterattack? How many fortifications will be manned? And how do you propose we defend the villages?”

Gareth sat there, opening his mouth to speak several times, then closing it. He looked stumped, flustered, clearly in way over his head.

“I…” he began, clearing his throat, then stopped. “I think…maybe it’s not as bad as you think. Let’s wait and see what happens.”

“Wait and see what happens?” Brom echoed, aghast.

“We can always deal with it later, if they get too close,” Gareth said. “It’s probably just a raid, and they’ll go back home soon. Besides, we have a festival coming up, and I don’t want the preparations for our parties disturbed.”

Brom stared back at him with a look of shock and disgust. Finally, his face turned a shade of purple.

“You are a disgrace to your father’s memory,” Brom said.

With that, Brom turned and stormed from the room, his men following.

Gareth rose and bunched his fists, red-faced.

“You get back here!” Gareth screamed. “Don’t you ever turn your back on your King! That is treason. I will have you arrested! You will do as I command! Brom! BROM! ARREST HIM!”

But the guards stood there, frozen, afraid to go near Brom.

Brom stormed out of the chamber, his men following, and Gwen and Thor turned and hurried out after them.

Back out in the open hall, the doors slammed behind them, Gwen hurried over to Brom as he began to march off.

“Sire!” she yelled.

Brom stopped and turned, still heated.

“My lady,” he said with deference, but impatience. “Your father would have never accepted that,” he added, still fuming.

“I know,” she answered. “My father never would have accepted many things happening here. What do you plan to do? About the invasion?”

“I must act. What other choice do I have? I can’t sit by and watch my homeland destroyed. I will act with or without the authority of the King. I will mobilize our forces on my own. I will take control of the army. It is heresy, but I have no choice. We must defend.”

“That is exactly what you should do,” she said.

He looked at her, and seemed to calm momentarily.

“I am glad to hear a member of the royal family say that,” he said. “It is unfortunate that you are not the one on the throne.”

“There is another member of the royal family you should care about,” she said. “My brother Kendrick sits wallowing in the dungeon. He would be a key asset to your forces. The men love him, and would rally around him. And

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