A Feast of Dragons - By Morgan Rice Page 0,38

belief that the Cyclops is the determiner of all things. Whoever faces the Cyclops, and lives, he is the one who is innocent. Whoever dies by his hand, the fates hold guilty.”

Kibotu stepped forward and sighed.

“The two of you will fight the Cyclops. Whoever lives, he is innocent. Whoever dies, so be it. Blood must have blood.”

Thor gulped. The Cyclops? He could not imagine facing such a monster, even though he was innocent. He felt himself grabbed roughly from behind, and bound with rope, digging into his wrists. Malic was, too. They were shoved from behind, and the group of warriors followed as they were led across the plateau, and down the steep mountain. Krohn marched beside Thor, whining, refusing to leave his side.

As they went, the second sun beginning to set, Thor could see the island spread out below him. From this vantage point, the sky was covered in beautiful shades of crimson and violet. Below him, far below, at the base of the mountain, lay dozens of caves.

He heard an earth-shattering roar, felt the ground shake beneath him, and he knew, with a sinking feeling, that he was being lead right into the monster’s den.


Gwendolyn hurried through the castle corridors, on edge, beside herself with worry, having been unable to think of anything else since she heard of Kendrick’s imprisonment and pending execution. Gareth had gone too far. She could not sit idly by. She felt so helpless; there had to be something she could do, some way she could help—and she would find out.

Gwen descended down the spiral stone staircase, deeper and deeper, into the bowels of the castle. She passed even the servants’ level, and after several more levels, finally she reached a large, iron door. She wasted no time: she hurried up to it and pounded on it with her fists.

She waited breathlessly, her heart pounding, and finally several guards opened it. One held up a torch in the darkness.

“My lady,” said the guard standing in the center.

“Is that the king’s daughter?” another asked.

“The former king,” another corrected.

“The current and always king,” she corrected sternly, stepping forward. “It is I.”

“What are you doing down here?” one asked, eyes wide. “This is no place for a lady.”

“I need to see my brother. Kendrick.”

The guards looked at each other, flustered.

“I’m sorry my lady, but Kendrick is to have no visitors. Under strict orders of the King.”

Gwendolyn stared back at the guard firmly. She was determined, and she felt a strength overcoming her. The strength of her father.

“Look at my face,” she said. “You have known me since I was a child. I have known you my entire life to be a faithful and obedient servant to my father.”

The lead guard’s face, lined with wrinkles, softened.

“That is true, my lady.”

“Do you think my father would have prevented me from seeing my own brother, Kendrick?”

He blinked, thinking.

“Your father would have prevented you nothing,” he said. “He had infinite space in his heart for you. His standing order was always that Gwendolyn gets whatever she wants.”

Gwen nodded.

“So there you are,” she said. “Now let me through.”

“However,” the guard said, blocking her way. “I also doubt your father would want his murderer to have any visitors.”

Gwen fumed.

“Shame on you,” she said firmly. “You’ve known Kendrick longer than I. You know there was no one who loved my father more. Do you honestly believe he had a hand it?”

The guard stared back, and she could see him thinking. Finally, his face gave in.

“No,” he said softly. “I do not.”

“Enough said,” she said. “Now step aside and let me in. Enough with this nonsense. I’m here to see my brother, and see him I will,” she said with a strength in her voice that surprised even her. It was a command—and it left no room for doubt.

The guard vacillated only for a moment, then finally motioned to the other guards, bowed his head and stepped aside. He opened the door wide, and as Gwen hurried passed, slammed it behind her.

“Follow me, and be quick about it my lady,” he urged. “This place has many spies. I cannot let you down here for long. If I am caught, it will be myself in this dungeon.”

Gwen followed him as he hurried down the corridor, their footsteps echoing in this place, dimly lit by torches, passing cell after cell. She saw prisoners in the shadows, sticking their faces into the bars of their cells, faces that had been down here too long. They were evil,

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