Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,80

my lips to his cheek. He grasped my shoulders and held my face close to his. He looked at me intensely, as though trying to see into my soul. Then he relaxed slightly and pulled me close to him.

“Hey, I love you, okay? Don’t forget.”

I stood up and threw him a saucy look. “As if I could. See you in a couple of hours.”

Somehow I made it to History on time. I slid into my seat moments before Mr. Frame began handing out thick packets of white paper, each stapled in the right-hand corner.

History test! It had completely slipped my mind all morning, preoccupied as I had been. I was fairly confident that I knew the material, but still, it made me jittery to face a test I wasn’t mentally prepared to take.

Mr. Frame was still in the front of the room, so I closed my eyes and concentrated on pushing the drone of thoughts out of my head. I had almost done it when I felt a tap on the shoulder.

“Hey,” Cara whispered. “Are you okay? I wondered where you were at lunch.”

I hate getting in trouble for talking in class, particularly in a test-taking situation. But I also knew I couldn’t be rude to Cara. I leaned my head back slightly, keeping my eye on Mr. Frame’s progress.

“Sorry, sometimes Michael and I eat outside,” I murmured in answer. “I’ll talk to you after the test, all right?” Without waiting for a response, I moved forward again and pulled out a pencil.

The test was challenging, but it wasn’t as bad as it could have been. I finished about ten minutes before the end of class, and then I spent the rest of the time trying to listen to Nell carefully. It was hard to hear her when so many other people were thinking so loudly, I observed crossly. Every time I lowered my mental block, all I could hear were complaints about the test, people mentally hyperventilating about questions they couldn’t answer and the meanderings of those who had finished or already knew that they didn’t have a chance of passing. I sighed in frustration.

Nell was bent over her desk, and I couldn’t tell whether or not she had turned in her test. I closed my eyes and focused on her boldly this time.

…Casey is poking her nose in where it doesn’t belong. She’s really beginning to annoy me. They all have to see that I’m in charge, I’m the one who knows everything. Maybe she’ll be the next one. She wants to know why we bother with Amber. She has no idea. And I saw her talking with Marica, trying to turn her against me… ah, soon they’ll understand.

The bell rang, making me jump and effectively ending any chance of hearing more from Nell. Instead I was overwhelmed by the sudden noise of twenty-two students thinking loud thoughts of relief, dread and resignation as the test ended. Nell was up and out of the classroom so quickly that I hardly saw her leave.

I nearly forgot to finish my conversation with Cara. She was looking at me expectantly as we moved to the door.

“Sorry,” I apologized. “I’m paranoid about getting yelled at for talking in class.”

Cara raised her eyebrows in amusement. “Does it happen often?”

“Not for good reason. I’ve gotten in trouble for answering people who asked me for a pencil or whatever, and that annoys me.”

She laughed. “I know what you mean. Sorry. I just wondered about where you were at lunch.”

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t warn you. Every once in a while we eat outside, especially when we need to talk.”

Cara’s eyes were unreadable as she asked me, “Is… everything all right with you two? I mean, I hope nothing is wrong.” I felt mostly curiosity coming from her, even though I found her questions a little odd.

“No, everything’s fine. We just sometimes like to have a little privacy. The lunch table crowd is fun, but it can get a little loud!” I laughed.

“I guess so,” Cara agreed. “But I really like them. Did you know I’m going to the dance Friday with everyone? Dan told me they usually go as a group.”

“I’m so glad,” I told her, and I meant it sincerely. “I hope you have fun.”

“You’ll be there, too, won’t you? You and Michael?”

I smothered a sigh and nodded. “Yes, we’ll be there,” I replied, trying to keep the note of grimness from my voice. “I’m heading for Math. See you later!”

I spent most of

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