Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,63

is performed in the ancient languages such as Latin, although there has been a recent movement toward using a primitive Egyptian as well as other African tribal tongues. Some smaller sects utilize their own mother tongues, including Russian, Greek or Romanian.

Something clicked. I was sure that Nell had not been thinking of Latin chanting; I knew it wasn’t Egyptian or African, and I didn’t think it sounded Greek. I thought Russian or Romanian might be stronger possibilities.

I copied that part of the article and pasted it into a blank email. Above it, in bold print, I added,

Found this online. Maybe it was Russian or Romanian? Any thoughts? See you in a few hours.



I typed Michael’s address in the TO: section and hit send.

I closed the computer and put it next to the bed. Sleep was what I needed now, even if I was still a little jumpy. I knew the sleepiness would end up hitting me in mid-morning if I didn’t catch at least another two hours. So I burrowed my face into my pillow and wrapped the blanket around my shoulder, up by my ears.

But I left the bedside light burning. Just in case.

When I got into the car the next morning, Michael was looking at me speculatively.

“Insomnia?” he inquired.

I sighed. “Bad dream, which led to about an hour of missed sleep. So I made the most of it.”

“Well, as nice as it was to wake up to an email from you, I’m sorry about your bad dream. At least you accomplished something while you were up.”

“What did you think my information?” I asked.

“Hard for me to say, since I didn’t hear the chant.”

I frowned slightly. “I wonder if there’s any way for me to hear Romanian and Russian, to see if either sounds familiar.”

Michael’s face brightened. “I bet if you searched ‘Romanian’ under video or audio, you’d find some site in that language and could listen to it.”

“Good idea. I’ll check after school today.”

“What was the dream about?”

I blew out a breath. “Amber, Nell… bad scary stuff. I was trying to find you, but it was night. Really dark.” I shuddered a little, remembering. “I knew if I found you, I’d be okay.”

He reached over to grip my hand briefly. “You’d be right.”

We were both quiet for the rest of the ride.

At my locker, I pulled out my books while Michael crammed for a History test.

“I can never keep the order of the British monarchs in line,” he was complaining to me, when abruptly I felt a change in the air around us.

“Michael.” I knew the voice, and it seemed my nightmare was suddenly upon us. Nell stood behind me, turned to face Michael. She was wearing jeans that hugged her body, and a light black shirt. Her hair fell straight down her back, and her odd blue eyes were icily livid.

Michael didn’t move from where he leaned against the lockers next to mine. “Nell,” he returned, gazing at her levelly.

“I was very disturbed last night when I spoke to some of my friends.” Nell kept her own voice modulated, even as her face clearly displayed anger. “Apparently you were harassing one of them.”

Michael made a show of innocence and ignorance. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I’m talking about Amber,” Nell all but hissed. “You cornered her in the library yesterday and intimated some not very pleasant things about me.”

“I did talk with Amber yesterday in the library, but what we said really had little to do with you. I’ve known Amber for as long as you have, remember. And maybe my memory of the past is even a little clearer than Amber’s.”

Nell regarded him steadily for a moment. “What happened in elementary school was a long time ago, Michael. And I wouldn’t expect you to understand the female mind and how it works. Amber and I are past all that, and we’re friends now. Would you take that away from her?” For the first time, Nell shifted her gaze to me. “Is this a way to strike back at me for what your—your girlfriend—” she snarled the word, “—imagines I’ve done to her? What’s the matter, Tasmyn, can’t you fight your own battles?”

Up to this point, Michael hadn’t moved from his relaxed position. Now he stood up and moved closer to me, so that he towered over Nell.

“Leave Tasmyn alone, Nell,” he instructed tightly. “I don’t know why you’re threatened that I talked with Amber yesterday, but Tas didn’t have anything to do with it. And

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