Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,57

you’re way too nice a person.”

I raised my eyebrows and blinked slowly. “Unlike you, of course?”

Michael furrowed his brow and tightened his jaw. “I’ll do whatever I have to, if I have to.” He glanced sideways at me, to see if I was buying it. I wasn’t, still gazing at him with lifted brows.

He relented, grinning. “So maybe it would be a last resort.” Then his grin faded, and the worried look returned. “But if she keeps messing with you, I won’t hesitate to more than humiliate and mortify. I’ll do what I have to do, to keep you safe, under any circumstances.”

I believed him. I could feel the determination in his words. Tactfully I changed the subject.

“What was your idea about Nell?”

“It’s not so much about Nell as about Amber. We know that approaching Nell isn’t going to do any good. And we know that our hands are tied right now as far as any outside authorities, teachers or the police. Nothing’s happened for us to report. But why can’t we talk to Amber, see if she’ll spill about what’s going on?”

This was so obvious that I wondered why it hadn’t occurred to me. I considered for a moment. “Not a bad idea at all. But what if Amber goes to Nell and tells her what we’re saying?”

Michael nodded, and I knew he had already thought of this possibility. “She might. We’d have to approach her. . .carefully. Say nothing about anything except what anyone in the school might have observed, like Amber sitting with Nell at lunch. If you just casually mentioned that subject, maybe she’d open up to you.”

I gaped at him, panicked. “Me? I thought it would be you—or even us. Amber won’t speak to me under normal circumstances. It would be really weird if I just starting asking her stuff out of the blue.”

We had pulled into the parking lot, and Michael switched off the car and turned in his seat, laying one wrist over the steering wheel. “Can’t you just start talking with her casually? Girls do that, right?”

I was exasperated. “Girls might do that, but I don’t, and even if I did, Amber really doesn’t like me, I don’t think.”

He looked at me steadily and shook his head. “How is it that two girls could dislike someone like you so quickly? I don’t get females.”

I patted his arm. “Don’t feel bad. Most boys don’t.”

Michael sighed. “I guess it would make more sense for us to talk to her together. I could ask her why she’s pals with Nell all of a sudden.”

“Or maybe it would be better for you to talk to her alone. I’m telling you, she really doesn’t like me. She won’t even look at me in class.”

He swung open his door and climbed out of the car. I did the same on my side, grabbing my bag from the backseat. “I’ll see if the opportunity presents itself, and if it doesn’t, we’ll find her this afternoon. Okay?” He met me on my side of the car and reached out to grab my hand.

Happiness flooded through me, as it always did when Michael touched me. The simple act of holding his hand still amazed me. My smile must have given me away, because when he caught sight of my face, he pulled me closer to his side.

“Hey, remember what I said about that smile. It’s only for me.”

I laughed. “You can’t fool me. I know you’re not that insecure.” I leaned my head against his shoulder briefly. “Besides, you know that all my smiles are for you.”

We were quiet as we walked into school, wrapped up in our own cocoon of contentment. As we approached my locker, I heard a voice call my name.

“Hey, you’re looking more alive today.” It was Cara Pryce, my rescuer from the day before.

“Hey!” I greeted her. “Thanks again for not letting me humiliate myself more than I did yesterday. If you hadn’t been there, I think I would’ve gone down.”

“No problem.” She glanced at Michael, and I remembered my manners.

“Cara, do you know Michael Sawyer? Michael, Cara took care of me yesterday and got me to the nurse in one piece and upright.”

Michael smiled briefly. “Yeah, Cara came into class to tell me where you were.” He nodded to her. “Thanks again for that. I would’ve been wondering what was going on.”

“Glad I could help,” Cara replied. “Are you feeling better, then?” This was addressed to me.

“Yes, thanks. It must have been just a temporary.

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