Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,45

at least. But saying it was so much harder than I’d ever guessed. Telling Michael how I felt would be surrendering any advantage I had in this relationship. Somehow this didn’t matter to me anymore.

“If I say it now, will you believe me or will you think I’m just being nice?”

I could feel Michael’s laughter shake his body, as his arms were securely around me again. “Well, I’d have to ask you—will you mean it, or are you just being nice?”

I tilted my head back to look him fully in the face. “I wish you could hear me as well as I can hear you. Then there wouldn’t be any question, would there?”

He chuckled again. “No, since I’m frankly amazed you didn’t hear me think it before today. I’ve been thinking it every day this week, just about.”

“Well, I guess now you have to trust me.” My heart was pounding, and I knew I had to say it before I lost my nerve. “I love you, Michael Sawyer. I may not know things the way you do, but about this, I’m as sure as I can be.”

We stood in the midst of the evergreen field for another few minutes, wrapped in each other’s arms and lost in the moment we had just shared.

My driving lesson went better than I expected, although I realized with some chagrin that it was mostly an exercise in amusement for Michael. We stuck to the dirt roads on the nursery property, and I was pleased that I managed not to crash into anything. However, I also found it nearly impossible to get the car into first gear.

“I can get from first to second and second to third,” I pointed out to Michael indignantly when he was doubled over with laughter after I stalled yet again.

“That’s great, but you can’t consistently get from a stand-still to first gear,” he answered, gasping still.

I made a face at him. “That’s why normal cars don’t have that extra pedal down there. Why would they make it so you have to let up on one while you press down on the other? I’m not that coordinated. I don’t think anyone is.”

“How do you explain the millions of people who successfully drive a standard transmission every day?”

“Freaks of nature,” I informed him loftily. “Anyway, I’m finished for today. It’s almost six. Shouldn’t we go help your mom with dinner?”

“She’s probably still in the greenhouse, but my dad might be starting up the grill. Let’s go see. Here, switch seats with me. I’d have you drive us down to the house, but we’d like to eat before midnight.”

I made another face at him that sent him into more shouts of laughter.

His father was indeed at the grill when we arrived at the house. Michael led me directly around to the back when he smelled the coals. Luke Sawyer was built very much like his son. His hair was blonder, and his eyes were brown, but he had the same charming smile that so captivated me in Michael. He was dressed in faded jean shorts, scruffy-looking sneakers and a t-shirt that had seen better days. He was poking at the coals in a large stainless steel tub with a thick, round stick as we approached.

“Something smells good,” Michael called.

His dad’s head jerked up in surprise, then his face relaxed into a smile.

“Hey,” he greeted us. He laid the stick across the tub, rubbed his hand across his shirt as though to wipe it off, and then extended it toward me. “I’m Luke Sawyer. You must be Tasmyn. I’m really happy to know you.”

I shook his hand and smiled, and he grinned at me in return. “Thanks, Mr. Sawyer—Luke. I’m glad to meet you, too. I had a wonderful time exploring your nursery today. It’s just awesome.”

His smile was sweet and mellow. “Thanks. We like it here, too. I hope you’ll feel welcome enough to come back anytime.” He poked his son in the ribs with his elbow. “You don’t even have to bring this one if you don’t want.”

Michael feigned offense. “Better watch it, you’ll lose your most dependable employee,” he threatened teasingly.

“Maybe we’ll trade up,” his father replied. “Tasmyn, what do you say? Are you interested in a job in horticulture? Might be cheaper to pay you than to feed him.”

I laughed. “If I learned anything today, it’s that Michael’s got it all over me when it comes to plants and trees. I am really impressed with his knowledge.”

Luke fairly beamed. “We

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