Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,4

and shot a mock-angry look at his friends. “Cool it, guys. We’ve all lived here forever. Tasmyn hasn’t had a taste of—uh, year-round summer yet.”

I ventured a glance at him. “Really? You’ve all been here always?”

“Yup.” Michael nodded. “At least, in Florida. Craig, Anne and I have been together since kindergarten, and everyone else came to King at different times.”

“That must be nice.” If my voice held just a touch of envy, Michael ignored it. He smiled and then looked at my tray.

“Where’s the rest of your lunch?”

“What do you mean?” I was lost.

“You’re going to eat more than a salad and water, aren’t you? You can’t get through an afternoon on just that.”

“I think I’ll make it,” I answered, not even attempting to hide my amusement.

He shook his head and shoved a small paper container of French fries toward me. “Here. Eat these at least. I don’t want to hear about you passing out in—whatever class you have this afternoon.”

I picked up one fry between two fingers and nibbled on it delicately. First days always gave me a queasy stomach, and I didn’t want to tempt fate.

“What do you have this afternoon, anyway?” Michael asked.

I pulled out my schedule and scanned it. “American History and Trig.”

“Cool. I have English and Botany.”

I raised my eyebrows. “Botany? Really? That’s not your typical high school Science class.”

Michael grinned. “It’s an elective for seniors. Retired professor from University of Florida teaches it.”

“You’re a senior?” I hadn’t picked that up in his mind. Which of course isn’t surprising; who goes around thinking of their vital statistics all the time?

“Yup. We all are here.” He indicated the table with a flip of his thumb.

I managed a crooked smile. “Does being a junior mean that I get tossed off this lunch table?”

Michael laughed. “Nah, we don’t discriminate against age.”

I clapped my hand to my heart and feigned a swoon. “What a relief!”

He smiled again, but his eyes—those deep green eyes—stayed riveted to mine. And then suddenly I could hear him, as though he were whispering into my ear.

Don’t want to come on too strong. Ride home? Maybe. Work today… but it could happen…

Too late, I realized I was staring. Michael’s expression had turned quizzical again, and I tried to remember the last thing he had said aloud. Before I could figure it out, he spoke again.

“Do you drive to school? I mean, if you need a ride… I live way outside town, so pretty much every neighborhood is on my way home.” He was trying to sound nonchalant, but even without hearing him think, I picked up the eagerness. It made my heart start flopping all over again.

“I didn’t drive. Actually, my mom is picking me up.” I felt the redness creep up my neck. Could I sound any more like a five year old?

But Michael didn’t even blink. “Okay, maybe another time. If you needed a ride to school or home or whatever. I’m just saying it’s on my way.”

The girl on the other side of Michael leaned around him, mischief dancing in her eyes. “What he’s trying to say is that he has a really cool car that he likes to show off, and you’d be doing him a favor if you let him drive you somewhere.”

Michael rolled his eyes and gave her a gentle shove. “Shut up, Anne. You’re just jealous because I don’t let you drive her.”

Anne laughed. “See that? ‘Her.’ His car is the real love of his life.”

The bell sounded, interrupting any comeback Michael might have made. Everyone stood up, grabbing books and any trays still left on the table. Michael took mine along with his, stacking and carrying them on one arm.

I took a deep breath. “Well, here I go. Nice short afternoon, anyway.”

Michael grinned and followed me as I pushed through the crowd. At the door, I paused and looked up at him.

“I think I need to go this way,” I said, pointing to the left.

He nodded. “Sounds right. I go in the opposite direction.” But he didn’t turn away.

“Well… thanks for letting me sit with you guys today. It’s one of the hardest parts of a new school, you know—having someone to eat with.”

“I hope you’ll sit with us permanently. I mean, all the time. You’re welcome to, anyway.”

“Thanks.” I drew in a deep breath. “I guess I’ll see you later?”

Michael’s eyes were drilling into mine once again. “Definitely.” He turned and disappeared into the throng of people on the walkway, and I stood watching after him.


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