Fearless The King Series Book One - By Tawdra Kandle Page 0,34

alone, and I felt her surprise as she turned, drying her hands. “Hello. You must be Michael.”

I had my mental guard down with Michael, and now it wasn’t back up quite yet. I could clearly hear my mother’s flustered thoughts: I’m not expecting company! Did she invite him for dinner? She looks happy, though… so good to see her really smile… has she ever been happy like this?

I decided to be merciful. “Mom, I wanted you and Daddy to meet Michael. Is he here?”

She smiled at us, almost shyly. “Yes, he’s sitting outside, in the back. Why don’t you go on out and see him?”

My father was sitting in his lawn chair, a book draped over his lap. He turned as we came outside. I saw his eyebrows rise when he spotted Michael.

I plunged right into it. “Daddy, this is Michael Sawyer. He wanted to meet you.” I wondered if there were something else to say, but I couldn’t think of anything.

My dad was on his feet, holding out his hand. “Michael. Good to meet you. Rob Vaughn.”

They shook hands in that sober and purposeful way that men have, and I tried to hide my smile. My father was attempting friendliness and welcome, but what I was feeling was suspicion.

“Thank you, sir, for letting Tasmyn come to the park with me today. I appreciate it.”

“Well, thank you for bringing her home safely. So you live here in King?”

Michael smiled. “Actually, we live right outside town. My parents own a nursery.”

My father nodded. “Well, that’s wonderful. Good business to be in down here. You’re a junior?” Mentally I rolled my eyes. I knew I’d told them Michael was a year ahead of me.

Michael shook his head. “No, sir, I’m a senior this year.”

My dad’s eyes widened. “That right? You making plans for next year then?”

I decided the third degree had gone on long enough. “Daddy, you can quiz Michael another time. I’m sure he needs to get home. His parents are expecting him.”

My father waved us off, “Sure, okay. We’ll talk another time, Michael. Looking forward to it. Nice to meet you. Thanks for stopping in.”

My mother, having recovered from her surprise, stuck her head out the door.

“Rob, Tasmyn, dinner’s ready. Michael, would you like to join us? It would only take a moment to add another plate to the table.”

Michael hesitated, and then shook his head again. “Thanks, really, Mrs. Vaughn, but my mom and dad will be waiting for me to eat, and I have a test in English tomorrow that I should study for.”

My mom smiled. I knew she was relieved. “Well, another time, maybe?”

Michael smiled back at her, and I saw my mom’s mouth drop a little. Apparently, susceptibility to Michael’s charm wasn’t limited to one generation of the Vaughn family.

I walked Michael to the door and out onto the porch. “Thanks for a beautiful afternoon,” I said quietly.

“And you didn’t even get eaten by any horrible creatures,” he teased. He glanced at the door, but my parents were still in the kitchen. I could hear them rattling pots and pans.

Michael reached his hands to my shoulders and drew me near. He leaned his forehead against mine, and I closed my eyes, letting my mental block drift away.

Thanks, Tasmyn. You’ll never know what this afternoon meant to me. Your trust in me… it means the world. May I kiss you good night?

My mouth curved and instead of answering, I moved my face up, so that my lips touched his. He held my face very gently and kissed me with such heartbreaking tenderness that when he released me, I was breathless.

He traced one finger around the curve of my cheek down to my chin, and then kissed me very briefly again.

“Good night,” he whispered. “See you in the morning.”

Friday was a day I thought would never end. I had my first three-minute speech due in the class of the same name, and since I hate public speaking, this was not my idea of fun. Somehow I got through it with dignity intact. The teacher gave me the same nod he did the rest of the class, so I assumed I hadn’t bombed completely.

Michael and I ate lunch inside again, and Anne teased him about wanting to keep me to himself. He didn’t deny it; he only laughed and rolled his eyes at her.

“Of course I want her all to myself. We have a lot to talk about, stuff to catch up on. You,” he pointed at her. “I’ve

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