The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,84

to feel that she’d been chosen over someone else. As if it was the only time that she felt she meant anything. But the feeling obviously faded all too quickly, because she’d gotten caught up in a cycle where she kept doing it again and again.

I couldn’t believe I hadn’t seen it before. Hell, it seemed as if she hadn’t realized it until now. Her face had gone white, and she looked like she’d had the breath punched right out of her lungs.

“You’ll pay for this,” Heather hissed at him.

Dane took a step closer to her. “You think this is bad? There are so many ways I could fuck with your life. You think I don’t know the truth about the child support payments you receive from Junior’s father? You think I don’t know it’s actually hush money? Rowan doesn’t want his wife to know the boy exists, and you’ve capitalized on that. You’re blackmailing the man, pure and simple.”

“That’s a lie!”

“Imagine if his wife discovered Junior’s existence. There’d be no need for secrecy anymore, would there? You’d continue to get money from Rowan, yes, but true child support payments wouldn’t amount to anything close to the hush money you’re used to. That’s assuming Rowan and his wife wouldn’t file for custody of Junior—even if only to spite you. In their situation, I’d resent giving you my well-earned money.”

Heather shook her head. “You wouldn’t contact his wife. No, you’re bluffing.”

“I never bluff. I made sure Thad’s wife knew about her cheating husband. Why would you think I wouldn’t do the same for Rowan’s wife?”

Heather’s lips trembled. “Bastard,” she spat.

“There’s a lesson to be learned here. You leave me and Vienna be, and we’ll leave you be. But if you dare fuck with either of us again, I will turn your world upside fucking down.”

Breathing hard and fast, she looked from me to him. “You both deserve each other.” With that, she spun on her heel and stalked off. Moments later, her car sped out of the gates.

Feeling a little dazed, I turned to Dane. “How did you find out she was blackmailing Junior’s father?” I asked, struggling to get my head around it.

“I have my ways,” he replied.

“Why didn’t you tell me about any of this?”

“I didn’t want you wasting emotional energy on her. Every time you think of, speak of, or talk to Heather, you get this tired look on your face. Like she drains you and brings you down. You’re wearing it right now. I don’t like it. I wasn’t going to put that look on your face unless I had to, so I decided to put a pin in this. It wasn’t something you urgently needed to know.”

I bristled. “I’m not as fragile as you seem to think I am, Dane.”

He closed the space between us. “I don’t think you’re fragile. You’re far from it. In fact, you’re stronger than I originally gave you credit for. It’s a quiet strength. One Heather sees and resents, because she doesn’t possess it. That’s why she tries to crush it. I think she’ll heed our warning, though. It’ll kill her to swallow her pride and back down, but she’ll want to keep her cashflow nice and steady.”

“And she won’t want us to tell Melinda and Wyatt she’s been blackmailing Junior’s father. I still can’t quite believe she stooped so low. I knew she purposely got pregnant to milk the father for money—she proudly admitted it; thought it made her clever.” I raked a hand through my hair. “She’s got fewer ethics than I thought. I don’t get it. I don’t get why she’s like this. She’s had a good life, Dane. Parents who love and support her. Shelter and food and stability. And yet …”

“Some people can only appreciate the good in their lives when they’ve had a taste of what it’s like to suffer,” Dane pointed out. “You had a shit start to life, so when Melinda and Wyatt entered it, you recognized how fortunate you were to have them and the safety that they gave you. Heather’s had it good since day one, but she isn’t a person who’s learned to appreciate it. She doesn’t see what she has; she only sees what she doesn’t have.”

“I almost feel sorry for her. I’d hate to never be able to feel content.” I cocked my head. “Is it hard to live a life where you never feel fully satisfied? You’re nothing like Heather, I know. But you have that drive Copyright 2016 - 2024