The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,31

from Maggie: Hey honey. Haven’t heard from you in a week, just wanted to check on you. Simon’s missing you xx

Maggie and Freddie often informed me of how my father was doing, since Simon wasn’t the type to share how he was feeling. It was never good for his emotions to build up.

Reaching my car, I unlocked it with the key fob. The resulting beep seemed to echo in the large space. I slid into the driver’s seat and then called Simon.

After a few rings, he answered, “Hey, my sweet girl. How are you?”

I smiled, my heart squeezing. “Good, you?”

“Fine, fine. How’s everything going?”

“Great. Really great.” I bit my lip, hesitant to continue but knowing I’d have to. “I, um … There’s someone I’d like to introduce to you.”

“Oh? Who?”

“My boss, Dane Davenport. He and I have sort of been seeing each other.”

“Well, good,” he said, sounding genuinely excited. “It’s about time you started dating again. I hate thinking of you up there in your apartment all alone.”

I knew he did, just as I knew a large part of him would want this for me. But another part of him … I silently sighed.

“When do I get to meet him?” Simon asked.

“How about Sunday? Melinda and Wyatt are throwing a barbeque at their house. They want me to invite you and Dane.”

“Sounds good to me,” he said, and I heard the smile in his voice. “What time?”

“Around noon-ish.”

“I’ll be there. Looking forward to seeing you.”

A smile tugged at my mouth. “Same here. Take care, Dad.”

“You too, my sweet girl. Love you.”

“Love you, too.” Closing my eyes, I rested my forehead on the steering wheel, hoping to God his enthusiasm didn’t dim or fracture. He could initially take things so well. But then, after putting a little more thought into a matter, he could start obsessing over the smallest elements of the situation and then his whole viewpoint could alter.

Lifting my head, I blew out a breath and started the engine. If there was a problem, Maggie or Freddie would contact me. That was a comfort.

After the hour-long commute from o-Verve to my complex, I whipped my car into my assigned parking space in the lot and then headed to the front of the building. I was just approaching the main door when a familiar figure stepped out of the shadows.

I stilled. “What do you want?”

Travis raised his hands. “Just to talk. There are things … Look, I know you don’t like me much, but this is important. Can I come in?”

Was he high? “No.” I didn’t trust him as far as I could throw him, so there was no way I’d invite him into my home. “But we can take a walk.”

He gave a slow nod. “All right.”

Our steps were slow and steady as we strolled along the sidewalk. I stayed silent, waiting for him to say whatever he’d come to say. It was at least a full minute before he came to a sudden stop and turned to face me.

“I know you like Dane a lot,” said Travis. “I could see it clear as day at the gala. But you don’t know him. Not really.”

I raised a brow. “I don’t?”

“No, you don’t. I’m an asshole. I know that. But so is Dane—he’s just a different kind of asshole. He’s not all bad, no. But he always puts himself first. Always. Our father was the same. May the bastard rot in hell,” he muttered under his breath.

My brows flew up. “Essentially, you’re saying Dane’s selfish?”

“Among many other things. He wasn’t always like that. But Dane … our father messed up each of us, but Dane worst of all. Oliver’s death only made it worse. Dane turned cold and self-centered. And either his sense of right and wrong is warped, or it has ceased to matter to him if he goes against it.”

Wondering who Oliver was, I made a mental note to ask Dane about him. “He’s ruthless when it comes to business, sure—”

“And when it comes to every other aspect of his life. Dane never does anything for anyone unless there’s something in it for him. He has so many people in his pocket because he swoops in when they need aid and then makes them indebted to him.”

My scalp prickled. When Dane helped with the whole sextortion thing, I hadn’t thought he’d done it specifically to ensure I owed him a favor. But was it in him to be that cunning? Yes. Yes, it was.

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