The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,183

a finger at Addison. “She kept moving—you just didn’t see.”

Apparently offended on behalf of her sister, Alicia got right up in his face—which wasn’t easy to do, considering she was a good few inches shorter. “That’s a lie!”

Ashley groaned and looked at me. “Do we step in?”

Once upon a time, we’d done it immediately, but nowadays … “I’ve kind of given up on trying to stop them from locking horns.” The two did not get along. Honestly, they argued so often it was unreal.

“Take it back!” Alicia yelled at him, her hands balled up into fists.

“Or what, shorty?” he taunted.

Tucker quickly crossed to them and tried to smooth over the situation. He was such an optimist, bless him.

Kian glared up at his father. “I should have won! Even Frodo knows that.”

Alicia gasped at his nickname for her. And, yep, she leapt on him.

“Dammit.” I crossed the room, intending to intervene, but my father beat me to it and pulled her away. I gave her my usual “it’s wrong to hit people” talk while she gave me her usual “I know, I know, but he’s such a loser” answer in justification.

After I sent her off to play with Sabrina, I turned to my father, who was shaking his head and smiling.

“Why is it that they always end up fighting?” he asked.

“Both want to be top dog,” I said. “Kian figures that, as the oldest, it should be him. Alicia sees no reason why being four should stop her from doing anything—even driving.”

Simon snorted. “She’s a Davenport through and through.”

I nodded. “Pure truth.”

Right then, Addison skipped over in her devil outfit. “I won, Mommy!” she told me, her eyes bright.

“I know, and I’m super proud of you.” I scooped her up and kissed her cheek. “Well done.”

She looped her arms around my neck. “Where’s Daddy?”

“He went upstairs to get your brother. Ah, here he is now.”

Dane walked into the room, carrying Oliver Hugh Davenport, who I’d dressed in a pumpkin suit, much to his father’s consternation.

Addison’s face lit up. “Can I hold him again? And feed him? And burp him?”

“Sure,” I said.

“Yay!” Alicia shrieked, running over. “Ollie’s here! Ollie’s here! Ollie’s here!”

Dane glanced at me. “No more sugar for her tonight.”

Alicia curled her body around Dane’s leg. “He’s just so little, Daddy. I love how he smells. It makes me want to eat him.”

“I’m glad you restrain yourself,” said Dane.

Before I even had the chance to try to hold my son, my father carried him away—earning himself a frown from Wyatt, who’d also tried to take him. Melinda shoved a glass in Ashley’s hand and then followed them, clearly also wanting to get her hands on Oliver.

Sidling up to me again, Ashley cleared her throat. “Alicia, Kian would like to apologize for calling you Frodo.” She gently nudged her son. “Go on.”

“Sorry,” he bit out.

Alicia sniffed, releasing her father’s leg. “Apology accepted,” she said, as gracious and haughty as any royal.

“Now you apologize for hitting him,” I told her.

She looked like she might argue, but then she turned to him and said, “Sorry.”

“Fine,” he mumbled.

Her eyes narrowed. “You’re supposed to say, ‘apology accepted.’”

Instead, he snickered.

She looked at me, her eyes flaring. “Mommy, he didn’t accept my sorry.”

“He did,” Ashley cut in. “Didn’t you, Kian?”

He snorted. “No.”

Alicia clenched her little fists and leaned toward him. “Then I’m not sorry anymore.”

“And I don’t care,” he yelled.

“Because you’re a goof-trooper!”

I quickly separated the two. “You both have a choice. You can say one nice thing to each other, or you can say nothing at all.”

Unsurprisingly, they both snapped their mouths shut.

Carrying Cooper, Tucker crossed to us. “Kian, get over here and stop winding up four-year-old girls.” With that, he led his son away.

Ashley smiled down at Alicia. “You look so beautiful in that dress. Which princess is your favorite?”

Alicia’s face scrunched up, like the question was idiotic. “Me.”

Ashley’s lips parted. “Well of course.”

“Aren’t I the prettiest princess, Daddy?” she asked, either oblivious to or uncaring about the juice on her dress, the wonky tiara, the chocolate all over her face, and the fact that she only wore one shoe.

Dane nodded. “Of course you are, baby.”

She beamed at him and lifted her arms. “Kisses!”

Dane obligingly lifted her and accepted the many kisses she feathered over his face, leaving smears of chocolate all over him.

Addison wriggled in my arms. “I want to go see Ollie.”

“Me, too,” declared Alicia.

Dane and I lowered our daughters to the floor, who both then skipped away.

He turned to me, wearing his classic unimpressed expression. “Just how much chocolate do I have on my face?”

“Only a little,” I fibbed.

“It’s not nice to lie, you know,” he grumbled, wiping at his cheek.

I smiled. “You can’t fool me. I know you’re happy.”

His expression softened, and he looked both sober and gentle at the same time. “I don’t have a single reason not to be anymore, do I?”

Also By Suzanne Wright

The Phoenix Pack Series

Feral Sins

Wicked Cravings

Carnal Secrets

Dark Instincts

Savage Urges

Fierce Obsessions

Wild Hunger

Untamed Delights

The Mercury Pack Series

Spiral of Need

Force of Temptation

Lure of Oblivion

Echoes of Fire

Shards of Frost

The Olympus Pride Series

When He's Dark

When He's An Alpha (Coming 2021)

The Dark in You Series







The Deep in Your Veins Series

Here Be Sexist Vampires

The Bite That Binds

Taste of Torment



Contemporary Romance Standalones

From Rags


The Favor


Firstly, I want to say a big thank you to my family - you're the best and most supportive bunch of people, and I know I'm unbelievably lucky to have you. My son was a big help when creating the book cover for THE FAVOR, so an additional thanks to you for that!

Also, I want to thank my editor, Melody Guy, for all your advice, suggestions, and knack of spotting the dumbest errors I make.

A big shout-out to my PA, Melissa Rice, because you're just the freaking best and help free up so much of my time so I can write.

Last but not whatsoever least, thank you to everyone who took a chance on the book! I hope you enjoyed it, and I want you to know I super appreciate your support. I love every one of you.

All of you take care :)

About The Author


I don’t remember a time when I wasn’t writing something, whether it was stories, poems, or even songs – though I can’t carry a tune. I only have one rule when I’m writing a book which is that it has to have a happy ending. Other than that, pretty much anything goes. I write stories that I would enjoy reading and then I just hope that others will enjoy them too.

I was born and raised in England where I live with my husband (a person who doesn’t judge me for hearing voices in my head – how often do you come across people like that?), and my two demanding children. Copyright 2016 - 2024