The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,136

over, keeping the suction tight, gliding the flat of my tongue along the underside of his shaft. He whispered praises and encouragements; they feathered over my skin and sank into my bones.

“I don’t like knowing that my wife’s had other men’s cocks in her mouth.” Right then, his dick hit the back of my throat. He groaned and dug his fingertips into my scalp.

I took him a little deeper, but I couldn’t swallow all of him. So I added some hand action; jacking him off while sucking as much of him as I could take.

Sometimes I’d work the entire shaft with my mouth and hand. Sometimes I’d simply curl my fingers around the base while concentrating on the head, licking and sucking and blowing cool air over it; teasing the hell out of him.

I occasionally stopped to twirl my tongue around the tip, dip my tongue into the slit to scoop up pearls of pre-come, or flick the sensitive bump beneath the crown. All the while, I’d fist his shaft tight, loving how he was so hot, full, and heavy in my hand. And then I’d swallow him down again.

Feeling his cock throb and thicken in my mouth, I knew he was close. I tightened my lips around him and sucked so hard my cheeks hollowed.

He hissed out a breath. “Fuck.” Gripping my hair, he pumped his hips, forcing me to take him deeper. “I’m going to fill that talented little mouth with my come. You’re going to swallow it all. I want you to feel it sliding down your throat. I want every drop of it in your belly.”

I gave up control without a fight. I sucked harder, faster, took him as deep as I could as he literally fucked my mouth. His hold on my hair tightened until my scalp stung so bad my eyes watered, which made his own eyes flare.

“Swallow,” he bit out. Dane lifted his hips and erupted with a low growl, keeping my head still, ensuring I couldn’t pull back as thick jets of hot come spurted out of him.

Finally, his orgasm subsided. His eyes closed, he relaxed in his seat, breathing hard. The hand he’d bunched in my hair loosened its death grip but kept my head in place. “I don’t want to lose your mouth yet,” he said, his voice thick. “Let me keep it a little longer.”

I could really do with a drink of water right now, but I didn’t struggle. I just stayed still and simply held his softening cock in my mouth, knowing he was probably too sensitive for me to suckle on him.

He glided his fingers along my scalp, kneading and lightly massaging. It felt like a reward. Or maybe even an apology for almost ragging the strands out of my head.

Soon, his eyes opened. They were all soft and languid, like dark velvet. His hand slipped away from my head. “Up, baby girl.”

I stood upright, surprised my stiff knees didn’t crack. The floor was not comfortable. I made a mental note to use a cushion if there was a “next time.”

Sliding forward on the sofa, he settled his hands on my hips and then planted his face in my stomach. He let out a sigh that seemed to come all the way from his soul.

I palmed the back of his head with both hands. Honestly, I was a little fired up, but I didn’t want him to return the favor. I wanted this, here and now, to be about him.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m dog tired,” I said. “Bed?” I held my breath, hoping he wouldn’t push me away or insist on staying here alone.

He looked up at me and gave my hips a gentle squeeze. “Bed,” he agreed.

My shorts and panties slid over my hips, down my legs, and then were gone. I frowned, shifting slightly. Warm hands spread my legs and smoothed along my inner thighs, reverent and possessive. I mumbled an unintelligible sound and squirmed.

A mouth brushed over my navel. “Shh, let me have my way.”

The folds of my pussy were gently parted, and there was a flutter of cool air that made me jump. A tongue licked my slit, acting like a lash of wet heat. I moaned, wanting more. I got more. And more. And more. And more.

Hot and restless, I bucked as that same tongue rubbed at the side of my clit. Oh God, that felt good. Too good.

It felt even better when the tongue rolled around my clit Copyright 2016 - 2024