The Favor - Suzanne Wright Page 0,122

I realized just how tense I’d been.

I lazed there for a while, not asleep but in a sort of hazy state that gave me an escape from the questions that had pricked at me since my conversation with Melinda. A state that was free of thoughts and stress and worries.

A sound snapped me out of it, causing my eyelids to flutter open. I stilled at the sight of Dane striding into the room. The fuck?

I hadn’t locked the door purely because it hadn’t occurred to me that he’d ever so boldly enter. He’d never done it before.

I sank deeper into the bubbles—many of which had melted into the water, so there wasn’t much to conceal my body. “What are you doing in here?”

He crouched beside the tub, casual as ever, and braced his arms over the edge. He’d rolled up his sleeves and opened the top few buttons of his shirt, just as he often did in his office. “I came to find you,” he replied.

“I’m kind of having a bath right now.”

“I noticed.” He dipped his fingers into the water and frowned. “It’s barely lukewarm, how long have you been in here?”

“A while.” I was about to suggest he leave, but then he rested his warm hand on my thigh where it peeked out of the water; his fingertips whispered over the sensitive skin of my inner thigh—it was such a simple touch, and yet I almost shivered.

“Chris called me. He said he tried calling you but didn’t get an answer. He wanted to know why we’d decided to cancel the reception.”

Huh? I gave my head a little shake. “I’m confused. Who told him that?”

“The hotel employee he’s been coordinating with over the reception plans. The employee said you called the hotel claiming you wanted to cancel it.”

I knifed up. “What?” Feeling cool air dance over my breasts, I realized they were now above the water level. I sank back down into the tub. “I didn’t call the hotel.”

“I know that. The employee thought the whole thing was odd, especially since you’d been communicating through Chris and Miley up until then, so he called Chris to check if maybe you’d made the call while drunk and upset.”

“Motherfucker,” I muttered. “It had to have been either Hope or Heather.”

“Or some random woman that was put up to it by either Travis or Owen.”


“It’s possible. It was obvious by his behavior at the zoo that he hasn’t given up hope that he can come between us. Forget about it for now. I’ll look into it more tomorrow.” Dane pulled my thigh toward the edge of the tub and slid his hand further down.

I stilled, and my pussy clenched. “Dane—”

“I need you to tell me something,” he said, stroking over the spot on my inner thigh where he bit me last night. “And I need you to be honest.”

“What?” I rasped, unsure if I wanted him to stop or keep going.

“Are you sore?”

“Excuse me?”

“I didn’t go easy on you last night. I took you hard.” He danced his fingertips over the folds of my pussy. “I want to know if you’re sore.”

I swallowed, resisting the urge to buck into his hand. “A little.”

“Hmm.” Dane pulled out the plug and stood. “You need to get out of this water before it gets any colder.” He grabbed the soft towel I’d placed nearby and held it wide open in invitation.

I kind of just sat there, unsure what to make of his behavior.

“I haven’t got all night, baby girl. You suddenly shy?”

No, I was plain confused. Nonetheless, I stood. Ignoring the way his gaze roamed over me, I stepped onto the bathmat. He wrapped the towel around me and began to gently pat me dry. Okay, this was getting weird. Not that I didn’t like it. This behavior just wasn’t very Dane-like.

I eyed him curiously, wishing I knew what thoughts were going through his head right at that moment. Of course, he noticed me watching him. That damn secret smile curved his mouth again.

I narrowed my eyes. “What’s so amusing? You keep looking at me like you’re internally laughing at me. Like you know something I don’t.”

He dipped his head to kiss my neck. “You smell good.” His tongue flicked out and lashed my pulse. “Taste good, too.”

I went to speak, but then he took my mouth, greedy and ruthless and dominant—making my thoughts scatter and my body melt into his.

He hummed and broke the kiss. “I’m not going to fuck you tonight. Not when Copyright 2016 - 2024