The Father of Her Son - By Kathleen Pickering Page 0,39

mine, I’d open every door possible to give you what your heart desires. You’ve already proven that you are capable of caring for others.”

Her look became guarded. “Don’t you be trying to soften me up, now.”

He let his fingers rest on the top of her hand, which was splayed on the arm of the chair. “What I would like to do is kiss you.”

She placed her glass on the table. “Evan...”

He sat back, palms up. “Okay. Don’t let me chase you away. I’ll stop.”

“It’s not that you aren’t attractive, mind you. I just...”

“What, Kelly?”

She met his gaze with determination. “I have reservations. Powerful men like you overwhelm me. I think I’m more suited for a gentle, unassuming, hardworking man who would consider me an equal.”

“I consider you very much my equal, Kelly. Never be mistaken about that point.”

“Yes, but you are aggressive.”

“Hey, I may have aspirations, but I’m not like Buzz Campbell.”

She hesitated. “No...not really.”

He frowned. “So, you’d prefer some softy like Herby?”

Her smile was sad. “He was the kindest man I have ever known.”

“Yeah, but he didn’t ask you for anything. He cared for you as if you were a daughter. I’m talking about a lover, Kelly. What do you want from a lover?”

Her pained expression twisted his heart. He didn’t want to hurt her. He wanted to understand her. He needed to see what his chances were with this elusive woman. Part of him had to accept that maybe, just maybe, Kelly may have been hurt so badly that she would never be willing to give him the intimacy he required in a mate—and he wasn’t simply talking about sex.

She settled back into her chair as if preparing for battle. She tilted her pretty head. “Let me ask you the same question.”

He grinned to mask his rising frustration. “See? There you go again. Turning the question around so you don’t have to answer.”

The small smile that crossed her lips had him thinking about what he’d like to do to her—soft and slow, until she yielded.

“Caught me. I guess asking questions comes as second nature.”

He grew serious. “Could you trust me, Kelly? I mean, really trust me enough to know that I would never hurt you?”

She rested her hand on his. “Since you returned, you have made it very easy to trust you. I just do not want to be involved with anyone right now.” She shook her head. “Especially, right now.”

He took her hand. “Okay, I understand. But, I want to go on record here. I was expressing an interest in dating you way before Campbell came into view.” He grinned. “The more I know you, the more I want to date you, for...oh, I don’t know, like forever.”

She managed a chuckle. “This is exactly the type of steamrolling that aggressive men do. I don’t like it.”

He interlaced his fingers with hers. “I know you care for me, Red. And, I know what I want in a woman. You have it all.”

She frowned. “We’ve hardly even held hands.”

He looked down at their entwined fingers. “We’re holding hands now.”

She gently pulled her hand from his and stood. “It’s time for me to go to bed, but know this, Evan McKenna. I don’t shrink from problems. If I did, I would have attached to someone years ago. When I marry, it will be for love and no other reason.”

He’d done it. Chased her away, one more time. He drained his glass, defeated—for the moment. “I know exactly what you mean, Red. Sleep tight. I won’t mention it again.”

* * *

KELLY LAY IN bed, her heart pummeling inside her rib cage. Her conversation with Evan left her breathless. He wanted to know what type of lover she wanted? The last thing she’d admit was that on those scattered, lonely nights when the thought of a lover occupied her mind, the man in whose arms she imagined herself wrapped was always Evan.

When he had entered her life as a newly recruited newsman in that brief period before she discovered she was pregnant, he left an impression of a fun and trustworthy man that she’d never forgotten. Then he ran off and became as important as he promised he would be. While her life changed forever, he became a powerful man. The exact kind that she mistrusted.

Yet, she had to admit Evan was different. His consideration for her and Matt was genuine. He was funny. Thoughtful. Was definitely easy on the eyes and he understood her Irish heritage. All pluses. If she hadn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024