The Father of Her Son - By Kathleen Pickering Page 0,21


“I’d like to get my hands on that...”

She squeezed his arm. “No, Michael. The devil will get his due. We need only carry on with our lives as quietly as possible.” She managed a smile. “Wait until you see Matthew. He is a marvelous boy. And, Neverland. I’ve done a splendid job of making my mark in Manhattan—no matter how small. I’ll even let you eat for free.”

“You are amazing, Kelly.”

His compliment warmed her heart. “And without a man, which Mum seemed to think was impossible. I am proud of my accomplishments.”

“And so you should be. Now, for your sins you must say two rosaries, come back here next Friday, do the stations of the cross and then recite ten novenas to make up for your irreverent confession.”

She laughed and hugged her brother. “I have missed you, Michael!”

“When will you come back?”

She bit her lip as she tried to figure out a way to break the news to Matt. “This is going to be tricky. Matt thinks Herby George was his only relative.”

“You’ve lied to the child?”

“No! I simply omitted information.”

He frowned. “I’m thinking you might be due for another round in the confessional.”

“Believe me, the good Lord knows all my faults.”

“Sounds to me like you’ve carved out some rules of your own to get by.”

“They’ve gotten me this far, Michael. Don’t be judging me now.”

“As if my judgment would matter. So, when?”

She tapped a finger to her lips. “Friday? For dinner?”

He turned to escort her from the garden. “That will do. We have a lot of time to catch up on. Come early so you can do those stations of the cross.”


EVAN’S EARLY ARRIVAL at Neverland the next day took her by surprise. She slid a coffee cup across the counter, ignoring his self-important grin.

“Sunday morning, Evan? Thought you’d sleep in.”

“Not when I promised Matt to take you both to the zoo.”


Evan glanced at Matt on the stool to his left, which now had Steve Fiore’s name stenciled on the floor below. “You didn’t tell her?”

Matt had the good sense to look reticent. He squeezed one eye shut as he looked at Kelly. “Well, if I told her she might say no, and I wanna go.”

Kelly’s eyes widened. “Dishonesty is not the answer, young man.”

He held up open hands. “I wasn’t dishonest. I just didn’t say anything!”

Kelly almost fell over. Matt was now using her own tools as a way to obtain his goal. She was downright mortified. Her motive had been self-preservation.

Evan sipped his coffee as if completely innocent of the impending train wreck. Going to the zoo was a bad idea. It would be their second time out together in a “family” setting in a week. She didn’t want to give either Evan or Matt the wrong idea.

“Evan, I know you mean well...”

He held up a stopping hand. “My limo will be arriving in fifteen minutes. Instead of telling me the usual reasons, how about you run upstairs, get into some play clothes and let’s go. I hear the monkeys are especially funny at lunchtime.”

The absurdity of his statement made her chuckle. “And why is that?”

He shrugged. “I have no idea. I just made that up.”

Matt leaned over the counter. “Come on, Mom! We’ll have fun. They even have two gorillas!”

Evan pounded his chest. “We can play Tarzan and Jane.”

Bunny sidled next to Kelly. “I’ll go if she says no.”

Two women at the table adjacent to the counter said, “We’ll go, too.”

Bunny nudged Kelly’s arm. “Take your son to the zoo. He had a wonderful first week at school. Celebrate a little.”

Matt folded his hands as if praying. “Please, Mom? Please? Please? Please?”

As much as her gut said no, she could not resist the barrage of possibilities. Most of all, Evan’s question, Do you have someone to confide in? She sure would like to bounce some ideas off another adult on how to approach Matt’s introduction to her brother. A man’s perspective just might help.

“Well, I suppose it’s not every day we get to ride in a limousine to the zoo.”

Evan clapped his hands. “Excellent, Red. I’ll make sure the monkeys don’t eat all your peanuts.”

She grinned. “It’s not the monkeys that concern me.”

“Hold on there. I’m your friend. Remember?”

She took off her apron. “Just making a point, Evan McKenna. Now give me ten minutes and I’ll be right down.”

* * *

AN HOUR LATER, with a bag of peanuts in hand and wearing a turquoise T-shirt, denim skirt and strappy sandals, Kelly realized she couldn’t remember Copyright 2016 - 2024