The Father of Her Son - By Kathleen Pickering Page 0,104

only able to steal a long weekend. Fall had hit in New York and Evan wanted Kelly as naked as possible all weekend.

Hitting the Florida Keys not only involved less travel time, this isolated, exclusive and lush resort of Little Palm Island offered them every ounce of privacy Evan required.

They’d just returned from snorkeling in the local reefs. Kelly was lightly sunburned and naked beneath the gauzy white sundress that caressed every delicious curve. He was shirtless and had pulled on a pair of baggy white Bahama shorts over his nudity. From the moment they stepped on the mahogany wood ferry taking them to the island yesterday, they’d done nothing but revel in each other.

Kelly had not only proven herself to him on loyalty and trust, but raised the bar on his own standards. Once committed to him emotionally, it was as if those years she’d stored up her need for love crashed down on Evan like an avalanche. And, God as his witness, he’d never been happier to be knocked off his feet. Her willingness to trust him started the morning of her TV interview, but grew stronger with every signature she placed on Quince’s legal documents for pressing charges against Campbell, sworn testimonies and starting the tedious process of requesting Evan’s guardianship of Matt.

They soon learned that certain legislators already had requests pending to change the laws governing rape and custody of children born of rape. Her movement to address the state’s laws joined these political figures in their cause. Once people learned about the difficulty of this situation, her campaign grew viral throughout the city, the state, the country.

Two women came forward with charges of rape against Campbell, thus reinforcing their position. Quince had assured them that with diligence, they would win the fight to keep Campbell away from Matt until Matt was an adult and could choose for himself. It looked as though, if they could get Campbell convicted, whether he did jail time would be determined by his defense. Either way, Kelly’s goal would be achieved. She and Matt would be free of Buzz Campbell.

The last time Kelly and Evan spoke with Madeline, she was already moved out of their house on Long Island. Kelly had helped Madeline find her power, as well. Once her world settled, they would discuss the idea of introducing their children.

Kelly reached to the bench beside her chair. She began snapping her beloved Nikon at Evan in his musings before he realized what she was doing.


She rose from her chair, still snapping. Moving in for close-ups. Her hair was in a braid over her shoulder. The ties running down the center of the sleeveless dress opened enough to show him the enticing curve of her sun-kissed breasts. With the backdrop of palm trees, crystal-blue skies and the ocean horizon behind her, the total picture stole his breath.

He pulled her into his lap. “Enough photos.”

She kissed him soundly on the mouth. “I will never have enough, Evan.”

He wrapped an arm around her waist, settling her against him. She smelled of salt water and suntan lotion. Her dress had gathered up, exposing those long luscious legs for his pleasure.

“Are you glad to be back at school?”

She smiled. “Thrilled. Given the women I’m meeting and the places we’ve gone. I have a lot of subjects. My photo album will be the best in the class.”

“And Neverland?”

Her gaze drifted out to the horizon. When she looked back at him, satisfaction lit her eyes. “I think Herby would be happy with Jake and Bunny as the new proprietors. I can’t think of anyone else worthy of owning it.”

“I’ve never been to a Thanksgiving wedding, especially in a diner.”

“I know. Those two are perfect for each other.” She touched a finger to his mouth. “Like us.”

“And speaking of us. Are you happy, Mrs. McKenna?”

Her face grew grave. “You didn’t bring me down here to announce our divorce now, did you?”

Ahh. He loved her humor. Just one more facet of this precious jewel who was his wife—who would stay bound to him for the rest of their lives if he had any say in the matter.

He pursed his lips. “On the contrary. I have something to show you. Up you go.”

Once on their feet, he captured her hand and led her deeper into the bungalow to their sleeping area where a four-poster bed nestled in the corner. The balmy breeze lifting the bed curtains carried the scent of the sea. The trail of rose petals littering the Copyright 2016 - 2024