Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,64

she’s helping me to realize that protecting her doesn’t always mean keeping her away from anything remotely important. In fact, that’s the opposite of what I should be doing. Part of respecting her means making sure that she’s included, when I can.

To Kora’s delight, and mine as well, Milana arrives the next day to join us at the sitdown. I’m pleased to see her for more reasons than one: apart from being my friend, she’s also one of the Butarza Family’s most capable operatives. She, Kora, and I spend the evening together before we leave, catching up on what we’ve each been through since we last parted ways. Milana giggles when she sees the two different marks I’ve left on Kora’s neck, but kindly resists teasing us about it.

The day after Milana’s arrival, we all load onto a big passenger vessel and head out. Apart from Metturion, who will be representing us in the negotiations, we also bring Rojan, Geddion, and a number of other Butarza soldiers for protection.

“Okay,” I say to Kora, putting an arm around her as we watch Turvada and its moon shrink into specks behind us. “Time for us to finish what Rizban Gordulla started.”


On the second day of our journey to the sitdown, I come across Rojan sitting in his cabin, staring out one of the viewports. He’s extending and retracting his claws over and over again, looking wistful. I knock on his door, although it’s already open.

“Hey, Rojan, how’s it going?”

He turns to look at me. “Oh. Hey, Kora.”

I haven’t paid a lot of attention to Rojan lately. Looking at him now, you would never know that he had ever taken suppressants. He appears just as powerfully muscular as any other male aboard this ship. I’ve also never seen his claws before.

“Those new?” I ask, pointing to his claws.

He retracts them, looking slightly embarrassed. “Yeah. They first started growing growing in last month, and today is the first day I’ve been able to fully extend them. Pretty weird. Definitely still getting used to it.”

I guess I’d never thought much about what it would be like for a male Voorian to come off suppressants. It must be a lot of change to get used to. Claws, muscles, fangs… certain, uh, other features…

“Have your fangs come in yet?” I ask, somewhat hesitantly. I don’t want him to feel like I’m invading his privacy, but I’m curious.

“Last week,” he tells me, flashing them briefly and retracting them, and then immediately looking awkward. “Sorry,” he says. “Geddion, uh, told me that extending your fangs releases a bunch of pheromones. I hope I didn’t…”

“Don’t worry,” I say, laughing. “That only works on someone you’re really genetically compatible with. What about that lady I saw you with after your ceremony? She seemed like she would be receptive. Why don’t you try it on her when you get back?”

He looks down awkwardly. “I don’t think Larkutra and I are very compatible,” he tells me. “I’m not really planning on seeing her anymore.”

I step inside his cabin, glancing at him first to make sure it’s okay. He nods, and I lean against the wall in front of him. I get the distinct impression he could use a friend right now.

“Sorry to hear that,” I say. “When you meet the right woman, you’ll know. Trust me on that.”

Rojan extends his claws, looking frustrated. “What if I’ve already met someone I like, but have no idea how to tell whether or not she’s Fated to me?”

I try not to seem too interested. “What? Who?”

He chuckles at my obvious enthusiasm. “I’m not telling. It’s probably nothing. What are the chances that she’s actually my Fated Mate, anyway?”

“Well, have you smelled her?” I ask, trying to be helpful. “That’s usually the first sign.”

“No,” he admits. “But I’ve never smelled any female yet, at least not the way the other guys talk about. I’m not sure I can do that yet. It might still be coming in, you know, like my claws.”

He falls silent as Turan and Milana walk by, engaged in conversation. They stop as they pass, and Turan apparently can’t resist kissing me on the lips and giving my butt a little slap. I protest and pretend to be embarrassed, but secretly, I love Turan’s affection. He doesn’t let anyone forget that I belong to him, and that’s just fine with me.



The sitdown is located on an Imperial citizen planet called Ruk V. I’ve never visited Ruk V before, but Metturion and Rojan both have.

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