Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,56

the law into our own hands when the government wouldn’t. We became the government, in a way. Our code of justice may not line up exactly with the UPE’s, but we do have rules, and ways that we do things.”

I feel a pang of unhappiness as I listen to this conversation. It hurts that it isn’t me Kora is asking about this. I love sharing my world with her, the world of the Vostra, the world she now inhabits. I want to be the one guiding her through this, not Geddion.

The two rifle-wielding guards lead us to a mansion even more impressive than the one we left in Dartyr.

“Turan Butarza!” a voice greets us as we enter. I look up and see a man approaching. He appears to be in his mid-60s, well-dressed with graying hair. Behind him follows a woman the same age, and behind her, a stoic-looking man who is clearly a bodyguard.

“It’s good to finally put a face to the voice,” says the gray-haired man, who must be the underboss.

I bow my head respectfully. “Metturion,” I say.

“And who’s this?” he asks as Kora comes up behind me.

“This is Kora, my mate,” I tell him, putting an arm around her and hoping she doesn’t do anything rude that might embarrass me.

To my relief, Kora just nods respectfully, although she still looks a little sullen.

“Pleased to meet you, Kora,” says Metturion, taking her hand and kissing it the way some old-school vostrata still do. “Allow me to introduce my own mate, Gorrutvia.”

The woman behind him steps forward, fixing Kora and I with a warm smile. I take her hand and kiss it, following Metturion’s example.

“These are the men who assisted you in kidnapping the Gordulla boy?” Metturion asks, turning to Geddion and Rojan.

I nod. “Yes. These are loyal Butarza soldiers. They have both served the Family admirably.”

The underboss smiles. “I can see that they have.” He examines Geddion for a moment, nods, and then stops in front of Rojan. “Forgive me, but do I detect that you were until recently taking suppressants?”

Rojan shifts uncomfortably. His muscles have filled out a lot since he first joined us, to the point where he looks more or less the same as any other unsuppressed Voorian. Metturion must be extremely perceptive for picking up on this.

“You’re correct,” says Rojan, standing up tall. “I was a smuggler under UPE lockup when the Butarza Family rescued me. I’d been taking suppressants my entire life. When I became a recruit, I stopped, and I haven’t looked back. I am Vostra now, inside and out.”

“Good man,” Metturion says approvingly. He turns to me. “Both these men are owed honors. And I shall have Rojan made.”

I glance at Rojan, and see that he’s beaming with pride. Being made is an incredibly significant step in the career of a vostrat, and one that not everyone achieves. To become a made member signifies a certain status, a level of respect that can only be earned through loyal service. I’m happy for him. I fully agree that he deserves it.

“Come, now,” says Metturion, putting his hand on my shoulder. “Our leader has authorized me to begin negotiations with Tullionitus Gordulla, and I’d like you to accompany me.” He leans over to his wife and gives her an affectionate peck on the cheek, then turns to Kora and the rest of the group. “Gorrutvia will make sure you all have food and drink and anything else you need. Please retire and enjoy yourselves.”



Turan disappears with the Butarza Family underboss, leaving me, Rojan, and Geddion with Gorrutvia, the underboss’s wife. She looks at us kindly, clearly used to playing the host.

“You must be hungry,” she says. “Here, follow me to the backyard. We have food and company.”

I glance at Rojan, and he gives me a little smile. Like me, he’s relatively unused to Vostra culture, so we relate to each other in that way. We all follow, Geddion taking the lead and walking next to Gorrutvia.

She takes us down the hall to the back of the mansion and out to a gorgeous lawn and patio area. The patio is filled with maybe two dozen people who are all talking happily and eating from a buffet. A few of them seem to be older couples, but the majority are young women, a fact that both Rojan and Geddion seem to take notice of. The women seem to take notice of them, too: the moment we arrive, several of them perk up and start whispering

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