Fated Mate Conquered - Luna Voss Page 0,21

mine. She’s begging for it. Probably dripping for it. The side of her I saw when I brought her breakfast this morning was new, and I’ve never wanted anything more in my life.

That’s why I asked Rojan to bring her lunch and dinner. He’s still transitioning off of suppressants, having taken them most of his adult life, and so he’s the least likely to be susceptible to her charms. I’m not sure I could make it through another session of Kora trying to invite me back to her room with her. I’d be balls-deep in her perfect little cunt before she could ask me twice.

I really need to get myself together. It’s not like me to be this distracted by a woman. And it doesn’t help that there’s this new smell in the ship that’s driving me fucking crazy. It’s faint, but I notice it. It smells like a genetically compatible female. I guess the obvious conclusion would be that I’m smelling Kora, but that doesn’t make sense. I’ve known Kora for months. I shouldn’t be smelling her for the first time now.

“Do you smell that?” I ask Rojan, getting a big whiff of it as our ship hurtles through space.

“No, smell what?” he replies, frowning.

“Nothing,” I grunt.

Geddion comes out onto the bridge from his cabin, rubbing his eyes. “You guys want to get some shut-eye? I can take the bridge for a while.”

Rojan nods gratefully.

“Yeah,” I say. “Thanks. Get me up in a couple hours, okay?”

I can’t sleep. Being in a spaceship always throws me off when I’ve been planetside for a while. And that fucking smell is making things worse. It’s stronger than it was before, and more irresistible. What the fuck is that? It’s so sweet. And for some reason, it makes my dick hard.

The smell is distracting me, so I follow it out to the corridor. It’s even stronger here than it was in my room. Where is it coming from? I keep following my nose, and my heart sinks as it leads me to the door of Kora’s cabin. Well, fuck. It’s definitely coming from her room.

I go back to my own room, trying to calm my thoughts. Okay, so Kora is the thing that smells so good. I know that now. But what do I do with the information? I don’t understand why she didn’t smell like that before, or why suddenly, I can’t get her out of my mind.

When Draga met Aspen, he talked about a smell. One so strong and sweet it made her irresistible to him. Supposedly, that’s what happens when you meet your Fated Mate. But Kora can’t be my Fated Mate. She’s half my age. She worked for the Empire. She barely even understands what it means to be a member of the Vostra.

She also nursed me back to health after my rescue. And overall, despite the incidents that have gotten her disciplined, she really has been making a good-faith attempt to follow the rules. I can’t blame her for being cranky right before going into heat. That’s just biology.

Maybe Kora would be a good mate. She’s pretty as fuck, I’ll give her that. And that tight, young little body is just begging for my cock. Almost literally, if I remember correctly our interaction when I gave her breakfast earlier. I’ll bet that once she’s had some time to get used to things, she could make a really sweet, obedient Vostra wife.

Not too obedient, though. If I’m being honest, I get a little bit bored when women are too submissive. I like a challenge. I also like a pretty, round ass to spank.

Kora has a pretty, round ass. She’s a fucking challenge, too. I’ll bet she’d give me lots of reasons to discipline her. She’d probably play coy, pretend to be all defiant, but she wouldn’t be able to hide the wetness between her legs when I finished with her. And then I’d tease her, maybe touch her pussy for a little bit, but not let her come until she really submitted, until she understood that I’m the one who controls her pleasure, I’m the one who decides if she’s earned a reward, or if she needs to be punished.

If Kora had my mark on her neck, she would always get the discipline she needed. I would be firm, but fair. I would work every day to become the strong authority a Vostra woman needs from her mate.

Overcome by frustration, I bury my head in my hands. What the

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