Fatal Fraud - Marie Force Page 0,48


“You’re a fucking liar, and I’m going to prove it.”

“Knock yourself out. Oh wait, you already did that when you went through the window in the lobby, right?”

“You think you’re so fucking smart,” he said, sputtering with outrage, “but you mark my words, Holland. I’m going to end you.”

“You heard that threat, Agent Hill, right?”

“I did.”

“If you think you can resort to blackmailing me to save your precious Gonzales—”

“Whoa,” Sam said. “Someone’s blackmailing you? If you’re this pissed, they must have something awesome on you.” She leaned in, hoping to project intense interest. “What’s got you so hot under the collar?”

His eyes narrowed into a look of pure hatred. “Fuck you. You’d better watch your back.”

Sam smiled at him as if nothing he could do would ever get to her. “Got it. Will do.”

Ramsey stormed off.

“What the hell, Sam?” Avery said.

“That’d be my good friend Sergeant Ramsey. We go way back.”

“He just threatened your life in front of an FBI agent. We could charge him.”

“Eh, he’s not worth it. I’m not worried about him, and you shouldn’t be either. But if I should turn up dead, maybe you could mention what he said to Malone or someone who’d care?”

“Don’t make jokes. That guy is unhinged. I wouldn’t put it past him to come for you.”

“Well, the good news is that as of about right now, I’ve got a Secret Service detail until people get over the news that Nick isn’t going to run.”

“I heard his decision isn’t going over well.”

Sam shrugged. “I get it. He’s the best. I understand why people are disappointed, but he’s not going to change his mind.”

“I’ll confess to being disappointed myself. I was looking forward to a Cappuano administration.”

“Whereas he’s looking forward to not missing a minute of the teenage years with Scotty or elementary school with the twins.”

“I admire that. I really do.”

“It’s the most important thing to him, and, selfish cow that I am, I’m thrilled to know he’s not going to be off campaigning for months on end.” The thought of that gave her angina. “I don’t think single parenthood would look good on me.”

“You could do it if you had to.”

“Thank God I don’t. I’ve got my team waiting in the conference room. I’ll give you some time tomorrow afternoon, later in the day if that works.”

“I’ll take what I can get. Thanks, Sam.”

“I’d say it was no problem, but this whole thing is a huge problem to me.”

“I can only imagine.”

“I’m making an effort to not let it ruin a job and a career I’ve loved, you know?”

“I get it. But the betrayal strikes deep.”

“As deep as it gets. And to answer your question from before Ramsey rudely interrupted us, I don’t know who else might’ve been aware of the gambling ring. I’m still shocked that Conklin, of all people, knew and never said a word while pretending to be my dad’s close friend. Hernandez was another huge shock.”

“I’m sure.”

“My dad was a great cop. One of the best I’ve ever known, and I’m not saying that just because he was my dad.”

“Everyone says that.”

“That’s nice to hear. He raised me to always try to do the right thing, even when it’s the hard thing. That was the credo he lived by and instilled in me and my sisters. I hope that, despite what we’ve uncovered since he died, people will remember him for how he lived and did the job and not for the way he died.”

“They will and they do. I promise you. People remember.”

“That’s good to hear. Protecting his legacy is really the only thing that matters to me when it comes to this whole mess.”

“I understand. I’ll let you get back to work and check in with you tomorrow.”

“Thanks, Avery. I know I’m supposed to rail with every fiber of my being against the Feds investigating us, but I’ve got to say I actually kind of welcome it this time. If there are others who knew…”

“We’ll find them,” Avery said, his expression fierce. “We will find them, Sam.”

She nodded, her throat tightening around a hot knot of the emotion that still caught her off guard weeks after her father’s sudden death. Not to mention the horror that’d followed when the newly reinvigorated investigation into his shooting had led to their own deputy chief, among others.

“I’ll see you tomorrow,” he said.

“I’ll be here.”

At the doorway, he turned back to face her. “You know… A lot of people would’ve said fuck it after they uncovered this kind of

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