Fatal Fraud - Marie Force Page 0,127

he’s learning to live with his grief in a more productive and healthy way.”

“I sure hope so. And in other news, it seems like the nonsense over you deciding not to run is finally tapering off.”

“Thank God for that. I’ve got to be honest. I really didn’t think people would care as much as they did.”

“How’d that work out for you?”

His snort of laughter made her smile.

“It’s not easy being married to the most popular man in the world.”


“Have you given any more thought to your plans for after you leave office? I don’t want you sitting around here drinking beer and going to pot. I expect to be kept in the manner to which I’ve become accustomed.” Being silly and ridiculous with him was one of her favorite things to do.

“There goes my plan to retire early.”

“That’s not happening.”

“I’m giving more thought to the idea of teaching—and maybe writing a book.”

Sam looked over at him. “What kind of book?”

“A memoir about growing up the way I did and how I ended up vice president. I think it’s a pretty cool story.”

“It’s a great story, and I love the idea of you writing a book.”

“I’m glad you do, because I’ve actually had some interest from a couple of publishers who’ve reached out to see if I might want to do it after I leave office.”

“That’s so cool! Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I am telling you.”

“When did this happen?”

“Earlier in the week. And they’re offering the kind of money that’ll keep you in fancy shoes for another year or two.”

“And you’re just telling me now?”

“You were busy with stuffing and turkey.”

Sam turned on her side, groaning from the agony of moving. “I’m never too busy to hear that kind of news. I think you should totally do that. You could show so many struggling kids that there’s always hope.”

“That’s what I was thinking too.”

Sam rested her head on his chest. “It’s a really good idea.”

“Glad you think so.”

She was well on her way to dozing off when the phone on his bedside table rang. She felt guilty because her first thought was, Thank God it’s his phone and not mine. The only way she’d be called in to work was if something huge happened, and she was praying for huge things to stay far, far away while she was on vacation through the weekend.

Nick reached for the phone they called the “bat line” to the White House and stayed reclined when he took the call. “This is Nick.” He was always so humble and normal, never affected by his lofty position or title.

“Mr. Vice President, this is Tom Hanigan.”

Sam could hear the president’s chief of staff because she was still lying in Nick’s arms.

“Hey, Tom. What’s up?”

“Sir, I regret to inform you that President Nelson was found dead in the residence thirty minutes ago. EMS was called, but they were unable to revive him. We need you to come to the White House immediately. The Secret Service is standing by to transport you and your wife.”

Sam felt as if she’d been electrocuted, and Nick was barely breathing.

“I understand,” Nick said. “I’m on my way.”

How could he sound so calm when a nuclear bomb had just gone off in their lives?

He put down the phone and looked over at her, his eyes gone flat with shock. “You heard that?”

Sam swallowed hard. “I did.”

They stared at each other for a full minute.

Nick was the first to blink. “I’m the president.”

Fade to black on the Fatal Series, and introducing…The First Family Series!

Holy crap, I’ve been sitting on this bombshell for MONTHS, having to bite my tongue not to accidentally give away the surprise! I know some of you are sitting there asking WTF is happening. Let me explain…

Earlier this year, I left the publisher of the first fifteen Fatal books. As I was writing Fatal Fraud, it became clear to me that the way forward for me with Fatal was unsustainable with no ability to market or promote the earlier books. I can’t make another company do something, and as such, it was obvious I needed to end that chapter in Sam and Nick’s story and start a new one.

The idea for the First Family Series came to me as I was writing Fatal Fraud, after Nick announced he wasn’t going to run in the next election. I thought, what if he made that decision public, and then Nelson dropped dead? He’d be inheriting a job he just told the world he didn’t want.

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