Fatal Fraud - Marie Force Page 0,123

her pace and jumped into his outstretched arms, letting out a whoop of excitement.

“Mom’s on vacation,” Nick said to Nate, who laughed as she dropped her purse and coat inside the door while Nick continued to hold her.

“We nailed a murderer and found the missing money. Best day ever.”

“Better than March twenty-sixth?” he asked of their wedding date.

“Second only to that.” In his ear, she whispered, “Straight to bed.”

“I love vacation Sam.”

“She’s not that different from workweek Sam.”

“True, but I love all my Sams, no matter what.” Nick carried her up the stairs, past the Secret Service agent positioned in the hallway outside the kids’ rooms and straight up another flight of stairs to their loft.

“And now the whole Secret Service knows it’s booty-call time for the second couple.”

“Eh, whatever. Let them think whatever they want.” He put her down and went to light the beach-scented candles that reminded them of their trips to Bora Bora.

Sam pulled off her clothes and crawled onto the double lounge, holding out her arms to him.

He stretched out next to her and pulled her in tight against him.

“You’re overdressed for this party,” she said, tugging on his T-shirt.

His hand on her face anchored her for a deep, passionate kiss. “I want you to know something,” he said, kissing her neck and down to her breasts.

“What?” Sam asked, breathless.

“I’m always so bloody thankful when you walk through that door at the end of a workday. So very, very thankful.”

“I hate that you worry about me the way you do.”

“Can’t help it.”

“I’m worried about you too.”

He raised his head to meet her gaze, his gorgeous hazel eyes conveying confusion. “Why?”

“I hear the threats against you haven’t dropped off.”

“That’s nothing to worry about. People love to hear themselves talk. You know that.”

“Still… I worry.”

He smoothed the hair back from her face. “Don’t worry. I’m very well protected. And guess what else?”


“I cleared my schedule so I can be off with you.”

“Best day ever!”

“I can’t let you handle cooking the turkey all on your own.”

“That’s what it’s really about, right? Protecting Thanksgiving dinner.”

“Scotty did suggest it might be a good idea for you to have some ‘qualified help,’ was the term I believe he used.”

“I’ll be having a talk with him tomorrow.”

“Is he wrong?”

“Shut up and kiss me before I forget why I’m in such a good mood.”

Smiling, he did as directed like the good husband he was, and as he made love to her, Sam held on tight to him and his love and the euphoric feeling she’d brought home with her. Seven full days to spend with him and their kids. Nothing could top that.

Somehow, Sam managed to cook a pretty decent Thanksgiving dinner, with the “qualified help” of her sisters, their mother Brenda, Celia and Shelby, who’d decided to stay in the city rather than go home to her family, as morning sickness had been making her miserable.

“Has to be a girl this time,” Shelby had joked at one point. “Only women cause this much trouble.”

In addition to Shelby, Avery and baby Noah, Sam’s sisters and their families were there, as well as Freddie, Elin and his parents, along with Nick’s father, Leo, his wife, Stacy, and their twin sons. Elijah was also home for the long weekend, much to the delight of Alden and Aubrey, who’d barely left his side since his arrival.

Scotty was enthralled by Elijah, who included Scotty in everything he did with his brother and sister. Sam and Nick had let Scotty stay up late playing video games with Elijah the night before, which had thrilled Scotty.

After dinner, they went around the table, and everyone said one thing they were thankful for. “We did this when we were kids. Remember, girls?” Sam asked her sisters.

“I remember,” Tracy said. “It was your thing, Mom. You should go first.”

Brenda looked around the table, smiling at her daughters and grandchildren. “I’m thankful to be here with my girls, their families and friends today. Thank you for including me, Sam.”

“It’s good to have you here.” The twenty years in which Sam hadn’t spoken to her mother after her parents’ marriage fell apart seemed like a distant memory now that they’d made peace with the past. “I’m thankful to be here with all of you and to have added Elijah, Aubrey and Alden to our family this year. We love you all very much.”

“Thank you so much for all you’ve done for us,” Elijah said. “I’m not sure what would’ve become of us without you guys,

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