Faster We Burn - By Chelsea M. Cameron Page 0,112

of my makeover I would like you to be with me for.”

“And what’s that?”

“I was thinking…” she said, twirling some of her hair around her finger and staring at it. “I was thinking I’d like to do something with my hair. Like, maybe put some pink in it.” She looked at me out of the corner of her eye, searching for my reaction.

“Pink, huh?” I grabbed a few strands and ran them through my fingers. I could picture that. She’d look so cute with pink hair, especially with her glasses.

“You don’t think it’s dumb, do you?”

“Sweetheart, I would never think you were dumb, and even if I did, I’d never tell you. I might call you an idiot, but I’d never say you were dumb.” I kissed her nose. “No, I think you would look beyond adorable with some pink in your hair.”

“Okay then.” She relaxed against me.

“I have some…changes I’d like to make as well, involving you, that I wanted to talk to you about,” I said. It was now or never.

“And what might those changes be?”

“I was thinking…” Now it was my turn to be nervous. “I was thinking that since you’re here so much anyway and Lottie and Zan are thinking about getting their own place, that maybe you might want to move in. Here. With me.”

She sat up and turned around. “Move in with you?”

“I know it’s really soon, but I thought I would throw it out there. I mean, you already have tampons stashed everywhere, and my bathroom looks like a cosmetics store blew up in it. Not that I’m complaining.” I was still at the stage where seeing her stuff around made me happy instead of annoyed. I was sure I’d get to the annoyed part eventually.

“Move in with you.” She said it as a statement, not a question. “I…Are you sure? I’m just afraid that you’ll get sick of me, or find something you don’t like about me, and I don’t want that to happen.”

“What about me? What if you find something you don’t like about me?” That was the first thing that had crossed my mind and the reason I’d put off asking her in the first place.

“I guess that’s a risk we’re just going to have to take,” she said, leaning into me for a kiss. “I would love to move in with you. You and me.”

“No space.”

“Nope, it’s going to be our space, and it’s going to be covered in pink.” Her eyes gleamed maniacally.

“God help us.”

Chapter Thirty


“Please say that is the last box,” Will grumbled as he shoved yet another box into my Mazda. We were moving the majority of my crap into Stryker’s today and then the rest at the end of the semester. I hadn’t told Mom yet because I didn’t think it was something she needed to be worried about at the moment. She was doing a little better with the help of her support group, and she’d become close with another woman who had also lost her husband suddenly. Still, I didn’t want to mess with the careful equilibrium we’d established by telling her that I’d moved in with Stryker.

“That is the last box,” I said, shutting the trunk. Lottie had roped Will and Simon into helping me. Zan would have been there, but he had a class, as did Stryker. Or so they said. I had my suspicions.

“You sure about this?” Will said, crossing his arms and leaning on the back of the car.

“Not really, but there’s only one way to find out. I mean, we’ve already been through so much.”

“True.” He glanced over at Lottie and Simon, who were playing rock, paper, scissors for no apparent reason.

“Hey, how are you and Aud?”

He shrugged.

“I don’t know. She’s…I always feel like she’s hiding something from me, you know? Like she lets me get close enough and then shuts the door in my face. It’s driving me crazy.” He yanked his hand through is hair, which didn’t do much. Will always looked like he’d come from the beach, with his blonde wind-blown hair.

“That sucks.”

“Tell me about it.”

Simon and Lottie had started what looked like a slap fight.

“Sometimes I don’t know about those two,” Will said, shaking his head as I got my keys out.

“So I’ll see you guys later. Thanks so much for all the help.” It seemed anti-climactic for me to be leaving like this, but they all seemed to have things to do. Supposedly.

“Bye, roommie. I’ll miss you,” Lottie said, giving me a hug.

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