Fast Lane - Kristen Ashley Page 0,59

her boyfriend and his band are nominated for more awards, they’re rich, they’re famous and she is too, for doing nothing but being Lyla.

And she can’t wait for tomorrow and she’s not full of shit with that.

That’s her.

And she’s Lyla.

[Flips out hand]

An album is born.

[Off tape]

Some Like Yesterday Better Than Today, Wait for Tomorrow is definitely edgier than your former two albums, but still optimistic, and you just explained that.

The Roadmasters didn’t tour to promote that album, but it still sold better than Audie and Lynie Live On, which sold better than Like a Desperation which sold better than Night Lies.

Your next album is The Cycle.

This shades dark again and included the single “Musk” which, like “Tulips,” though far less tender, is a raunchy, barely veiled narrative of McCade and Lyla’s sex life, particularly how much he enjoyed performing cunnilingus on her and receiving fellatio from her.

If Lyla is struggling under the spotlight, and McCade doesn’t like it shining on her, why did he share such intimacies so publicly?


Because you don’t tell a poet what poems to write.

And anyway…

The damage was already done.

The thing is, we’d entered the fast lane.

And once you’re there, you got two choices.

You keep up.

Or you crash.

But just to say, that’s a kickass song. It’s sexy as fuck.

And I think at that point, Preach was so fed up, he was feeling, if you couldn’t beat ’em…

Give ’em something to really be jealous about.

And last, Lyla fuckin’ loved that song, and at first, he wrote it for her and had no intention of including it on the album.

He did it, we did it, because Lyla encouraged us to.

Partly because she knew it was a hit.

But mostly because, she had a lot of fuck yous to deliver.

And that was one big, steamy, dirty, smutty, wicked-awesome fuck you.


And you know the fuck of it, to this day, that’s our highest grossing album.

And that album…

And that song…

Won us our first awards.

Listen, you never bitch about being rich and famous.

You just don’t.

Heard someone say once, I forget who, the only thing worse than someone interrupting you at dinner to ask for an autograph is no one interrupting you to ask for an autograph.

And that is true.

Would I rather have played the bar circuit until I got sick to death with it and ended up sitting in my armchair in my living room drinking a beer and wondering what if, instead of admitting I just wasn’t good enough, or didn’t work hard enough, and I should have moved on?

Fuck no.

What we built and what came with it, all of it, I’ll take it.

I’d take more.

I’d take less.


Though not much less.

This all sounds like one huge bitch.

But it isn’t.

When you’re in the thick of it, it’s an everyday party, sister. It’s good times, and the pills you’re taking mask it, so you have no clue you’re run down and about to burn out. You’re just into what you’re doin’, and when it’s done, you’re rarin’ for what’s up next.

And our music is out there, it’s getting heard and people love it. We’re onstage and they’re singing our words back to us in this wall of sound and that…

Man, that…

Except the love of a good woman and becoming a father, there is no better feeling than that, and seein’ as the love of a good woman and being a father is everything times about a million, that’s sayin’ something.

My father would have been proud.

And my mother was against it at first…

But she died proud of me.

What I’m saying is, even doing this right now with you, looking back at all of this under a microscope, I would do it again.

I wouldn’t have to think for even a second about it.

And I wouldn’t change a thing.

The thing is, you’re in it. You went for it. You bought into the dream. Made your deal. Sold your soul. Whatever.

You wanted it.

And if you go for it and you have luck or talent or you work hard for it or all three, however you get there, you get it.

The ones you love.

That’s a different story.


It was, and still is, very sweet, even if it was, and still is, upsetting how the guys reacted to all that happened to me.

But it didn’t really bother me.

Honestly, although it was tough at first, you get used to it pretty fast, especially if why it’s coming at you is worth putting up with it.

They had a mind to me, they always did. All of them.

But that period of my life was not Copyright 2016 - 2024