Fast Lane - Kristen Ashley Page 0,49

finger, and held my eyes. “I love you, Lyla. My Lyla. Prettiest girl in the world. All for me. All mine. Made for me.”

I made a noise that was kind of a sigh, a moan, a sob and kissed him.

He went to pull away and I knew why because I tasted me.

But I caught his head and held him to me, pressing up to him.

He groaned in my mouth, the fire he’d quenched sprang up again, and suddenly, I was desperate for him.

Suddenly, in a way I didn’t know existed because I thought I’d always felt that way, I couldn’t get enough of him.

I couldn’t take in fast enough this amazing man who loved me.

It got to the point where he had to warn me, doing it gruffly, “I’ll stop, anytime you need me to stop. But just sayin’, baby, soon, it’s gonna be hard to stop.”

“Then don’t stop,” I panted against his lips before I kissed him again.

He took over the kiss and, well, everything.

And then he was searching for his jeans, pulling out his wallet, sliding out the condom.

“You don’t have to watch, cher,” he muttered.

“Do you not want me to watch?”

“I want you to do what you want.”

“Then I’m not missing a thing.”

And I didn’t.

I didn’t miss watching him roll the condom on his long, thick, beautiful cock.

I didn’t miss him spreading my legs like he was preparing to make an offering to a goddess.

I didn’t miss watching him lower his big body onto mine.

And I did not miss a second, staring into his eyes, our breaths fusing, as slowly, very slowly, he filled me.

There was a twinge when he started and there was so much to him, there was a moment I was worried I couldn’t accommodate all of him.

But then he was inside.

And it was perfect.

He was perfect.

As I’d somehow known from the start, we were perfect.

“Yeah?” he grunted, like he was in pain.

“Am I hurting you?” I whispered.

“Baby, that’s my line.”

I smiled up at him.

He made another delicious noise before he slanted his head and kissed me.

Then he made love to me, gliding a hand between us because he was Preacher.

And he was sure to give me mine (again).

Before he took his.

He’d come back to me after he dealt with the condom, whipped the comforter out from under me, the sheet, then got in bed, took me in his arms, pulled the sheet over us, to my breasts, and then me into his arms.

My back to his front, our eyes to the French windows which had a view to a rectangular pool with lounges with white cushions, tall, lush greenery all around the deck and a pool house at the end.

“You’re bleedin’ a little,” he muttered in my ear.

“I’ll live.”

“You sure I didn’t hurt you?”

“I’m sure I’d tell you if that happened. I’m also sure that the first time that happened between us I don’t want to talk about blood or pain, the former you said is only a little and the latter I barely felt.”

He chuckled.

I settled into my man.

Then I said, “I’m yours.”

His body did a funny jerk before he shifted to shove his face in the side of my neck.

“Forever, Preacher,” I whispered.

“Fuck, I love you, Lyla,” he rumbled.

I liked the sound of those words so much, the feel of them, I turned in his hold and we started making out again.

“Preach, man, where are you? You can’t find dick in this mausoleum!” we heard Jesse hollering. “Dude! Show yourself! Tim bought steaks. Tom’s out firing up the grill. We’re cooking out and christening this pad!”

At the end, his voice was getting closer.

And the bedroom door was open.

“You come back here, brother, I’ll shoot you!” Preacher shouted.

I could actually feel the shock coming down the hall.

Then, sounding like he was getting pissed, “Is Lyla with you?”

I felt something else, something weirdly cold and hot before Preacher yelled, “What do you think, asshole?”

“All right then, cool!” Jesse yelled back. “See you when you come out. Hey, China.”

“Hey, Jess,” I called.

“Yo, China!” I heard Dave shout.

“Yo, Dave!” I shouted back.

It was then I heard Tim, quieter, but I heard him, “Lyla and Preach are goin’ at it?”

“Apparently,” Dave replied, not quiet.

“Then why’s the door open?” Tim asked.

“Because we weren’t around when they started the festivities maybe?” Jesse asked.

“You should close the door!” Tim shouted. “We don’t wanna hear you doing China!”

“How ’bout you all shut up?” Preacher yelled. “That’d be a good idea.”

I started giggling.

He looked down at me. “They’re idiots.”

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