Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,58

while I wrapped my arms around my best friend. “What happened?”

“The guards found him an hour ago and Lyric’s friend in the facility called her once things had calmed down. Frederick left a suicide note confessing to everything. He detailed his whole plan, his hatred of his mother and how controlling she was…which she was. She was horrible. Not needs to be murdered level, but kind of a bitch.”

“I know, honey,” I said.

“Anyway, it’s done. I am still technically the next of kin, so I guess I’m going to have to deal with arrangement for his burial and all that stuff.” She burst into tears. “I don’t understand how all of this went so south.”

“Yeah, it’s weird.”

“I mean, I’m so normal,” she breathed out. “I had a good childhood. My parents are my rocks. How did I fall in love with such a garbage human?”

“It’s a wonder,” I agreed. “I mean, the fact you think you’re human…”

Jane smacked my arm gently, then burst out laughing. “Oh my god, right?”

Shadow stepped into the family room, then turned around and walked out and I smiled.

“Whatever you need, Jane, we’re here for you,” I promised.

“Yeah, well you’ve proved that in spades.” She rose to her feet. “I’m going to take a shower, then I need to meet with Lyric so we can talk about next steps.”

“Okay. Let me know what you need.”

“I will.” She hugged me and headed to the bathroom, while I went to find my man.



ONE MONTH LATER, life had returned to a new normal. Jane had moved into her new home, I was still very happy in my little house next to Otter and Shiloh, although, I was probably going to need something bigger sooner than later.

Sharon had moved into a condo close to the club. Knock me over with a feather, but she and Gator had fallen in love and he was vying to be her roommate. She was a holdout due to the fact she was a ‘God-fearing’ woman and wouldn’t do anything that would jeopardize that, but he was doing everything he could to make her forget her manners.

The building fire had in fact been started by a faulty range, so there was currently a class-action suit against Mr. Calloway. Sharon had been smart enough to get renter’s insurance, so anything that was ruined by the smoke was replaced by the insurance money.

I was doing online classes from the barn, thanks to Shadow organizing some of the recruits to clear out a room at the back of the building that had been used as a storage room previously. But I didn’t have a permanent place to do massages. For the moment, every Monday and Wednesday, Shadow transformed my living room into a quiet massage area, and clients came to me. This wouldn’t last much longer, so we were working to find a solution.

Today, however, was family day at the firehouse. Shadow and Doom were both going to be there in uniform, despite the fact Shadow wasn’t on shift and Doom was part of the volunteer unit.

“Baby, are you ready?” Shadow asked, peeking into the bathroom.


“On what?”

“Is what I’m wearing okay?”

I had on skinny jeans and knee-high boots, along with a Harley T-shirt, that hugged all the right parts.

“You look hot as fuck.” He grinned leaning down to kiss me. “So, yeah, it’s totally okay.”

I grinned. “Back atya.”

“Come on. We’re meeting Doom and Lyric there. We’ll take the bike.”

“But that’s going to mess up my hair.”

“Bring a brush.”

I sighed, grabbing my brush, and dropping it into my tote. He secured my stuff in a saddlebag, handed me my newly purchased leather jacket and helmet, and we took off for the firehouse.

“I’m going to want another Tybee trip soon,” I said, once we parked.

Shadow chuckled. “Already workin’ on it.”

“You are?”

“Yeah.” He leaned down and kissed me. “Ready to meet my other family?”


He took my hand and led me inside, where Doom and Lyric were standing out back.

“You gotta back the little ones, Sterling,” Doom directed, helping his son hold the hose as they sprayed down a pretend fire.

“Oh my god, they are so cute,” I breathed out.

“Grant!” a deep voice bellowed, and Shadow and I turned toward the sound.

“Hey, Cap.” Shadow grinned, shaking the older man’s hand. “This is Posey.”

I shook his hand. “It’s really nice to meet you.”

“You too,” he said. “Thanks for coming out.”

“Wouldn’t miss it,” Shadow replied.

“Show Posey around and grab some food. I’m hoping it’ll be a quiet day.”

He walked away and Shadow gave Copyright 2016 - 2024