Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,49

a little more sore than usual today. I used to worry about how much cardio I was getting, but not so much anymore. Shadow was a workout and a half.

Jane had an errand to run, so she’d dropped me off and I opened up the studio alone. I had a class starting online in twenty minutes, and she was teaching as well, but not until noon. As I got everything set up in my office, my phone buzzed on the desk.

Shadow: Where the hell are you?

Me: At the studio. I told you I was going in with Jane.

Shadow: You were supposed to wait for Dylan.

Me: Jane and I were together. I didn’t need to wait.

Shadow: What do you mean were?

Me: She’s running errands. It’s fine. Watch the class.

Shadow: Lock up until Dylan gets there.

Me: Yes, my liege.

He sent me a crown emoji and I chuckled, setting my phone back on my desk. I grabbed my laptop and got it positioned where I needed it, then started the live feed.

* * *


I forced down my concern, telling myself Dylan would be there within minutes, and Posey would be fine. I was currently at the club waiting for Doom and Doc to arrive so we could converse about the information I’d discovered on the fires relating to the club.

I’d had a shift at the firehouse yesterday and came straight from there to the club since Posey was working early. It looked like Doom and Doc were running late, so I decided to log on to Posey’s live feed. If I couldn’t touch her this morning, at least I’d be able to see her.

I took a seat in the great room, turning my phone sideways to watch and smiled as Posey started the class. Jesus, she was beautiful.

“Good morning, everyone,” she said, then winked. “And Shadow if you’re watching.”

I chuckled, and she began a stretching routine.

I glanced away briefly to grab my coffee mug when I heard her say, “What are you doing here?”

I turned back to the screen just to see her grab her neck and fall to the ground, then the camera shut off and I lost the feed. I dropped scalding hot coffee on my lap as I knifed up off the sofa but ignored the pain as I made a run for my bike.

“What the fuck, brother?” Shutter called. “I thought you were meetin’ Doc.”

“Something’s happened to Posey,” I bellowed. “Call Dylan and tell him I’m on my way.”

I climbed on my bike and raced over to Posey’s studio, arriving to find Jane in a panic while Dylan was on the phone with Rabbit attempting to get information about the feed.

“What happened?” I demanded from Jane.

“I don’t know.” She threw her hands in the air. “I came in, everything was unlocked, and Posey’s office is trashed.”

“Did you see her live feed?”

“Yes, that’s why I’m freaked.”

“What was her schedule?” I asked. “Did she have a client after her class? Do you have cameras?”

“Yes, we have a doorbell cam thingy, but I already checked it. There was nothing on it.”

“Fuck!” I bellowed, making Jane jump. “Sorry,” I grumbled, and rushed to Posey’s office. “What did you find?”

Dylan shook his head. “Nothing yet. Rabbit’s workin’ on it.”

“I want Shutter to grab a truck and head to Carl’s,” I growled. “Tell him I’ll meet him there. If that little fucker’s done something to her, I’m gonna rip his dick off.”

“Brother, I’m fuckin’ sorry I wasn’t here,” Dylan said.

He looked wrecked, and as much as I wanted to rage, it wasn’t his fault.

I nodded, and took off again, arriving at Carl’s just before Shutter.

“What’s goin’ on?” Shutter asked as we made a run for Carl’s door.

“The fucker’s got Posey,” I growled, banging on the door.

There was no answer… no surprise.

“Stand back,” I said and put a boot to the lock. The door popped open and Shutter and I rushed inside.

“What the hell?” Carl squealed, running out from the back with a baseball bat over his head. “Get out of my house.”

“Where’s Posey?” I growled.

“I don’t know.”

“You fuckin’ liar.” I grabbed his neck with one hand and the bat with my other. Shutter assisted by getting the bat away as I slammed Carl against the wall. “Where the fuck is she?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“The place is clear,” Shutter panted out after checking every room and closet.

“You’re gonna take a little trip with us,” I threatened. “And you’re gonna tell us exactly what we want to know.”

Shutter pulled zip ties from his Copyright 2016 - 2024