Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,43

was then, now is now, and Jane’s in your kitchen ready to cook.”

“Translation: I’m not the one who may or may not poison you,” I said.

“Pleading the fifth,” Sharon sassed.

I laughed. “Whatever.”

“I brought a cheese plate,” Jane said, sliding it out of one of the bags. “Just open those crackers and we can start with that.”

As I put together an appetizer platter, Jane prepared the best meal I’d ever had in my life. I didn’t remember a time I’d laughed so hard, or felt so relaxed in a while, and by the time Shadow walked through the door, we were all pretty tipsy.

“Well, hello there, sexy,” Jane crooned, and I burst into hysterics.

“Put your lady dick back in your pants,” I ordered as Shadow grinned, making his way to me and leaning down to kiss me. I was currently on one end of my sofa, while Jane was on the other, and Sharon was back in the cuddle chair. “Hey, honey. Are you hungry? Jane cooked,” I said, moving to stand, but he settled his hand on my shoulder.

“I’ll get it,” he said, and kissed me again. “How are you feelin’, Sharon?”

“I’m good, sweetie. Although, I’d be better if these ladies would let me drink.”

“She’s on Vicodin,” I explained. “No booze until she’s off the narcotics.”

“Elder abuse, I tell ya,” Sharon retorted.

Shadow chuckled and removed his cut, laying it gently over one of my dinette chairs. He walked into the kitchen and I could hear the clatter of dishes as he warmed up his dinner.

“He’s sexy as fuck in real life,” Jane whispered, loudly.

I grinned. “Oh, I know.”

“Good job, Mosey.”

“Thanks, Brainy.”

“Holy fuckin’ hell,” Shadow growled.

I craned my head to look at him. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothin’. This is the best goddamn thing I’ve ever tasted.”

Jane beamed. “Grandma’s recipe.”

“Thank your grandma for me,” he said, taking another huge bite.

Jane laughed. “I will. But the second I tell her some hot firefighter liked her recipe, she’ll insist on making it for you personally.”

“Name the day and time and I’ll be there,” Shadow said.

She grinned, glancing at her watch. “Oh, shit. I didn’t realize it was so late. I need to get going.”

“You shouldn’t drive, honey.”

“I’m not,” she said, pulling her cell phone out. “I’m calling a car.”

I nodded, and she stood. “I’ll grab my stuff.”

“Don’t you dare,” I ordered. “I’ll wash everything up and bring it to the studio.”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay, thanks, honey.” She hugged me, then Sharon before waving to Shadow who was still deep in his plate of food. “Nice to meet you, Shadow.”

“You too, babe. Thanks again for dinner.”

“You’re welcome.”

I walked her to the door and waited while she climbed into her ride share before closing and locking the door behind me. I headed back to the living room to find Otter walking in through the slider.

Shadow greeted him and offered him a plate of food.

“Nah, I’m good,” Otter said. “I grabbed take out on the way home. You ready to head back to the house, Sharon?”

“Sure,” she said, pushing up from the chair.

I grabbed her scooter and placed it in front of her, but she shook her head. “I don’t know if I feel quite strong enough to use that.”

“You did fine—?”

“Hush,” she hissed as Otter offered to carry her.

“Oh my god,” I whispered. “You’re the worst.”

“Gotta get this old heart going whenever I can,” Sharon said.

I rolled my eyes.

“I’ll follow with the scooter,” Shadow said.

“Finish eating, honey,” I countered. “I’ll do it.”

“I’m done,” he said. “You relax.”

I nodded, but when they took Sharon home, I did the dishes instead.

“I thought you were going to relax,” Shadow accused, walking back into the kitchen.

“This is me relaxing.” I smiled. “Did you get your ‘club shit’ done?”

“Yeah,” he said, pulling a small velvet pouch from his pocket.

“What’s that?” I asked, wiping my hands on a towel.

“It’s your official invitation of sorts.” He untied the rope and pulled open the pouch.

“Invitation to what?”

“To be my old lady.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m askin’ you to be exclusive.”

I frowned. “Were we not before?”

“That was relating to sex. Now I’m askin’ you to be mine for as long as it works.” He pulled out a beautiful silver pendant and handed it to me. “All the old ladies wear these.”

I studied it and smiled. The hinged oval was intricately carved with the Dogs of Fire logo on the front and I opened it to find it empty, but with room for pictures. “It’s beautiful.”

“It’s a tracking device.”

I gasped. “What?”

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