Fanning the Biker's Flame - Piper Davenport Page 0,33


“Got somethin’,” Rabbit called, this time a little quieter than before.

“Let’s go see what Rabbit found.”

I took her hand and led her down the hall to the offices, pushing open the door and stepping back for her to precede me in.

Rabbit gave us a chin lift.

“What did you find?” I asked.

“Your ex is an asshole,” Rabbit said.

“Tell me something I don’t know,” Posey said with a sigh.

“How bad?” I asked.

Rabbit turned to face us, and I scowled when he said, “Bad.”

“What?” Posey whispered.

“Your asshole ex put spyware on your phone.”

“What kind of spyware?”

“The kind that gave him access to your emails, texts, social media, and a GPS tracker without you knowing a goddamned thing.”

Posey gasped, leaning heavily against me. I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tight.”

“Take it off,” she demanded.

“I can,” Rabbit said. “Unless you want to catch him.”

“We already caught him,” I said.

“What?” Posey snapped her head up to meet my eyes. “You did? I thought you said he left.”

“I never said that,” I pointed out.

She wrinkled her nose, then focused back on Rabbit. “What do you mean by catch him?”

“Set a trap.”

“Which will require you keeping my phone, right?”


“My whole life is on that phone, Rabbit. I have to have it with me.”

“Just wipe it, brother,” I said. “We’ll deal with Carl.”

“Meaning what exactly?” Posey asked.

“Not sure yet,” I said. “But it’ll be permanent.”

“You cannot kill him.”

“Jesus, Posey, we’re not gonna kill him.”

“He may wish he was dead…” Rabbit grumbled, and I glared at him.

“You can’t maim him either,” Posey ordered.

“Rabbit,” I ground out.

“Shadow won’t maim him,” Rabbit assured her, but her locked body indicated she didn’t really believe him.

“I don’t want you to maim him either,” she ordered.

“I’m not in this,” he said. “I’m gonna work on the electronic side of shit. Leave Carl’s physical punishment to my brothers.”

Posey sighed.

“Do you know his social?” Rabbit asked.

“Security number?”


Posey nodded. “Yes.”

“Great. You got a problem with me making his life difficult?”

“Is it illegal?”

“Depends on who you ask,” Rabbit said.

“Law enforcement personnel,” she bit out. “Can you get in trouble for it?”

Rabbit faced her again, setting his hands on his knees. “No one will ever know what happened, so no, I can’t get in trouble for it.”

“Then do your worst.”

Rabbit’s face lit up with a grin. “Your woman’s fuckin’ cool, Shadow.”

I kissed the top of her head as I nodded. “You hang with Rabbit for a bit,” I said. “Doc needs me to do somethin’.”

Posey looked up at me. “How long will you be?”

“Not long.”

I kissed her and made my way down to the basement.

* * *


“Is he doing something dangerous?” I asked Rabbit.

“No,” Rabbit said, but I didn’t fully trust him. I think he could tell, because he smiled. “Seriously, he’s covered, Posey. Don’t worry.”

I sighed and nodded. The truth was, I trusted Shadow, so even if I didn’t know Rabbit and whether or not he was truthful, I knew Shadow and knew that he’d do everything he could to be safe.

“Okay, I need his social and birthdate,” Rabbit said.

For the next half-hour or so, Rabbit asked me a series of questions about Carl, some of them I knew, some I didn’t, but I gave him what I could until his wife knocked on the door.

“Hey, Pebbles,” he said with a grin. “You’re early.”

She smiled. “Yeah, the kids are exhausted, so I figured I’d put them down here in case the meeting goes long.”

“You need help?” he asked.

“No, honey, they’re down. Figured I’d come rescue Posey and tempt her with wine.”

“Yes,” I hissed. “Tempt me.”

Parker chuckled. “Willow’s cooking, so Jasmine’s opened two bottles of red.”

“You’re speaking my language,” I retorted, and rose to my feet.

“I’ve got a few things to do,” Rabbit said. “But I’m here if you need me.”

“We’ve only got a couple more days until you’re gone.” Parker leaned down and kissed him. “Come find me when you’re done.”

“I will.”

Parker and I made our way out to the kitchen and found all of the old ladies milling around the big stainless-steel island.

“Posey!” Jasmine squealed, pulling me in for a hug. “How are you, girl?”

I chuckled. “I’ll be better when I get some wine in my system.”

Willow handed me a glass. “Here.”

I grinned, sipping the deliciousness, and making the decision to relax even if it took an entire bottle of wine for me to do it.

“Did Shadow tell you it was church tonight?” Willow asked.

“He goes to church?”

Olivia laughed so hard, she did a literal spit take.

“It’s their weekly meeting. Typically, it’s just the Copyright 2016 - 2024