Fandom (Famous #3) - Eden Finley Page 0,25

doable. All my money is tied up in my family’s land. I think I also have some stocks somewhere. I have to contact my accountant.”

“You don’t really want to stay at a cheap motel, do you? What if you’re recognized? Imagine the headlines then. I hate to say it, but you kinda need to keep up appearances.”

“Shit, good point.”

“You could stay at Harley’s?”

“No,” he says quickly. “I’ll … I’ll think of something. It’s three nights. Three nights in a five star won’t break the bank.” Then he keeps reading over the schedule, and I see his mind turning over. Problem-solving Mason at work. “Although, we could totally work around this. They’re only filming on days one, three, and four, with day two being a solo mentor day, whatever the fuck that means. And they’re giving each contestant one hour. That’s only five hours. Plus, one hour for area shots.”

“And if they go overtime like they’ve been doing every single day?”

“I have Netflix. I’m all set. And hey, starving me will help me lose weight faster.”

“Healthy,” I say. “Real healthy. Staying in your room sounds ridiculously boring. Not to mention, that’s only the film crew who will be here for that long. The contestants are staying the whole time. Am I going to have to feed them? Water them? How often do they need to be walked?”

Mason laughs. “It’s fine. I’m assuming they have NDAs in place for the show.”

“Yeah, they went through that with them all on the first day. Anything that’s not caught on film is strictly confidential.”

Mason smiles at me. “I can handle a few hours in my room per day. I don’t care if the contestants see me. Well, I do, but I’m assuming they’re too green to be an industry vulture yet.”

“Green might mean they won’t know how to shut their mouths.”

Mason purses his lips. “We’ll work something out. If they’re here a day and they freak out or whatever, I’ll go to a hotel. And if the film crew do happen to spot me, I won’t sign a release, so they legally won’t be able to show any footage they take of me.”

“If … if you’re sure?”


My heart returns to a normal rate, and I can breathe again.

Mason’s not leaving.

Chapter Ten


The first day of having the film crews at Denver’s does go overtime like he thought it would, but it’s okay because I’ve spent the whole time thinking I’ve made a mistake. I should’ve gone to a hotel after all. I realized I’m going to have to go into that house. Which has people in it. People. My peopling skills are a little rusty. Not only that, I have to trust them not to tell anyone where I am.

It’s probably why I spend the afternoon in the bathroom, trying to look as presentable as possible. The beard is still there—it hides my double chin—but it’s trimmed now and looks a lot less like a bird’s nest.

My hair is the next thing to go. I find clippers in the bathroom cabinet, so I shave the sides of my head and use scissors to trim the hair on top so it’s still long but not ponytail long. I have no idea if it’s even or not, but I use product I find to spike it up. It doesn’t look half-bad if I do say so myself. I’m more “Hey, isn’t that guy Mason Nash?” and less “Hey, who’s the Sasquatch who kinda looks like Mason?”

I’m starving by the time the film crew has gone for the day. They were here extra early, turning two of Denver’s guest bedrooms into shared rooms for the contestants with separate beds. Three guys and two girls are who he has left. Denver’s been texting me throughout the day to keep me updated and offered numerous times for me to make my escape.

I should’ve taken it, because as he texts me that pizza is in the main house and he’s going to tell the contestants I’m here, dread fills my stomach.

My time hiding away in Montana might have given me stage fright. Or maybe it’s my lack of confidence in who I’ve become.

I don’t mind the way I look, and I was happy at home tending to my trees and not having to worry about much, but Mom was right. I do miss performing. I do miss LA. And the current me is not what is expected of an ex-A-lister.

I was burned when I walked away from this life, so coming back Copyright 2016 - 2024