Family Ties - Debi V. Smith Page 0,79

would be Sara’s boyfriend, Jason Waters. Correct?”


“Are they sexually active?”

I tense and Jason squeezes my hand while Hunter rubs my upper back in small circles. Rose’s face darkens, but she remains composed. My sexual activity, or lack thereof, is in question once again. So far, two defense lawyers seem to think it’s logical to bring it up to cast doubt when it just distracts the jury from the truth: Mother knew Father was raping me and she let it continue.

“No,” Rose says flatly.

“How do you know for sure, Mrs. Jericho?”

“They mostly double date with my daughter and her boyfriend. At least one of his parents is always home when they’re there. Sara has said to us, to Jason, to her therapist, and at her father’s trial that she’s not ready for that kind of relationship because of the trauma her father inflicted when he raped her. Andrew and I trust both her and Jason because they have proven themselves trustworthy.”

“How do you know one of his parents is always home?”

Rose narrows her eyes and her lips form a thin line. “Because his father has cancer and can’t work,” she answers sharply. “He’s always at home, with the exception of being here to support Sara for the trial and her father’s trial. If you don’t believe me, see for yourself.” She points to Mike. “He’s the one in the wheelchair.”

“No further questions, Mrs. Jericho.” Edgar turns around, red-faced.

Rose joins us on the bench. Andrew is next, but Edgar declines to question him. Mother is livid at his decision and talks to him in barely hushed tones. The judge calls for lunch recess and the sheriff cuffs Mother and takes her out the side door.

“You guys go on to the deli,” Rose says in the hallway. “We’re going to call Gloria.”

We return an hour later to Len waiting for us in the hall with a smile lighting up his face. He approaches me as Arissa hands Rose and Andrew a paper bag with their sandwiches and bottled water.

“You aren’t going to believe this,” he says. “Your mother is changing her plea to guilty.”

“What?” I’m not sure if I heard him right.

His head bobs up and down repeatedly. “Edgar and I just came out of the judge’s chambers. He talked to her about changing her plea yesterday after she attacked you. He convinced her today when her reactions were being noticed by the jury.”

“That’s it?” I ask, stunned. “It’s over? She’s going to prison?”

Everyone hugs me at the same time.

I push through the crowd to reach for Len. “I can’t thank you enough.”

He returns my hug without hesitation. “Your courage made my job easy, Sara. Thank you. Manny’s trial is set for September. Just one more time.” He shakes everyone’s hand and accepts their thanks.

The hugging starts up again as my head swims with the knowledge that both of my parents will be in prison. A hand tugs mine and I tip my head down to Mike’s bright smile. I kneel next to his wheelchair and he pulls me into his embrace as I kiss him on the cheek.

“I don’t know about you guys, but this sandwich isn’t going to cut it for a celebration,” Andrew says, shaking and crinkling the paper bag he holds. “Alana and Mike, would you be up to coming over for a cookout? We’re always at your home, we’d love to have you in ours.”

“I’m up for a party,” Mike says, eyes gleaming.

“If Mike’s up for it, I am,” Alana agrees.

“Great,” Andrew says. “Jason, do you mind taking Sara with you? She can let you all in. We’ll make a grocery run on the way.”

“I’ll go with you, J,” Damian volunteers. “I can help you with Mike if needed.”

“Thanks, man,” Jason says.

“Hunter, you’re welcome to join us,” Andrew says, turning to him.

“Thanks, I might come over for a little while.”

I show Mike and Alana the first floor of the house, then set Mike next to the dining room table. Alana sits next to him.

Jason joins us while I’m pouring ice tea for his parents and he sweeps me up in his arms, whirling us around as I squeal. He pecks me on the cheek over and over until he stops spinning. I throw my arms out to regain balance, my head still going round and round, as he sets me down. He laughs as I grab his arm with both hands to keep from falling. He tugs me in and holds me against his chest.

“Oh, break it up,” Copyright 2016 - 2024