Family Ties - Debi V. Smith Page 0,69

you for today.” His arms snake around me, engulfing me in his comforting scent.

“I would do anything for you. Just like you’ve done for me. I owe it to you.”

“You don’t owe me anything.”

“I do,” I insist, breaking away. “You carried me away from the house of horrors.”

“I would’ve done it sooner if I had known.”

I press my hands flat on his chest. “I know. But you did it when it mattered most.”

The adults are seated at the picnic table, talking animatedly, and Mike is smiling, leaning in to eat a small bite. We join Arissa and Damian in the grass near the pond.

“Everyone seems to be getting along,” I comment.

“Yeah, I didn’t think there was anyone sweeter than Rose until today, J,” Damian states.

“No hitting on my dad, man,” Jason quips.

“But he’s so cute!”

We roar with laughter.

Jason puts Mike to bed while everyone prepares to leave. Promises are made to do this weekly and everyone agrees to bring a dish, lessening the work for Alana.

I take care of the dishes while Alana puts the food away. Jason joins us as I load the last dish in the dishwasher.

“Dad’s asking for you, Parker,” he says.


“You’re the only Parker here.”

Alana gives him good-natured smack on the shoulder.

“Ow!” He grabs his shoulder, grinning.

She smiles and shakes her head.

Jason leads me through the long hallway to the room at the end. Mike is propped up under solid brown covers in a king size bed. His faces brightens with a wide smile and he pats the space next to him on the bed.

“I’m going to clean the grill,” Jason tells me as I sit next to his dad.

Mike squeezes my hand with both of his. “Thank you, Sara. This is the most fun I’ve had since the cancer returned. I hope to see more of you.”

“You will.” I smile, knowing Jason will make sure of it.

“You know, Jason’s like a lovesick puppy when he’s here without you.”

“Seriously?” I can’t believe what I’m hearing.

He nods his head and laughs. “It’s true.”

“I had no idea.”

“Now you do.” He pats my hand. “Thank you again. I hate to shoo you away, but I’m exhausted after all that fun.”

“Not at all, Mike. Goodnight.” I kiss him on the cheek.

He grins as I stand, covering his cheek with his hand. “I’ll never wash it again.”

I chuckle. “You two are so much alike.”

I join Jason outside. “I like your dad.”

“He ate the most I’ve seen him eat in a while. We might need to have people over more often if it stokes his appetite.”

“The adults talked about doing this weekly,” I state.

I tip my head towards the yard and he closes the grill. We sit in the grass, legs bent, hips touching, and facing each other. I lean back on my hands while he wrap his arms around his legs.

“I finally get it,” I say. “I get why you waited so long for me.”

His breath hitches. He reaches over and plants his hand in grass next to me.

“The Jerichos taught me how loving families interact. Today, you and your parents showed me something deeper. You understand how fleeting life is and you truly cherish one another.

“It’s why you’re so patient and supportive. Why you held on when I pushed you away. Why you kiss me and hold my hand every chance you get.”

His fingers stroke my cheek.

“We grew up fast under different circumstances,” I say. “I belong with you. I know that now.”

His fingers snake through my hair. “I told you it was always you.”

“You did, but my father taught me to believe I wasn’t worthy of love. I lived in fear, never knowing when the next beating would come. I don’t live in fear anymore, J. Part of the reason for that is you.”

He draws me into his embrace. “I would do anything for you, Parker.”


I peek through the living room curtains with Arissa, Jason, and Damian.

A small group of reporters and cameramen mill around on the sidewalk, waiting for someone, anyone, to leave the house.

“Don’t they have anything better to do?” Arissa asks, pursing her lips.

“It’s their job, babe,” Damian answers.

“I can’t believe they got here so early,” I say. “No way we can sneak out without being mobbed.”

“This is insane,” Jason mutters, his arms akimbo.

“Our cars are in the driveway,” Damian states, “and they’re watching the front door. What if we went out the back, around the side, and made a run for it?”

“We’ll have to take one car,” Jason says, glancing at Damian. “I won’t Copyright 2016 - 2024