Family Ties - Debi V. Smith Page 0,116

the door and I let out a shriek as I jump back around. He laughs and puts a finger to his lips to shush me.

“Get changed already, Parker,” he orders, hastening his exit.

I change into my jade green sundress, then brush my hair back into a ponytail. I move to my bed and pick up the phone, punching in the numbers I have memorized.

“Sara!” Hunter exclaims. “What’s up, my friend?”

“Jason asked me to marry him.”

“No way!”

“Yes way! You’ve got to come over. My parents are out right now getting food and Damian’s parents are on their way.”

“Give me an hour. I’m still at the skate park.”

Damian, Arissa, and Jason are watching a San Diego Chargers game with Felix and Shelly, who hug and congratulate me when I join them.

Mom, Dad, and Alana return with groceries and champagne at the start of halftime. Mom shoos me and Jason out of the kitchen. “Go,” she says, waving us off when I try to argue.

We return to the football game and Hunter joins us when he arrives. He presses into my side and grabs my left hand, checking out the ring.

“Congrats,” he says.

Jason and I thank him at the same time.

“So, give me the deets.”

We take turns telling Hunter how Jason proposed and everyone’s reaction when we came home until Arissa interrupts to tell us dinner is ready.

The addition of leaves lengthen the dining room table set with Mom’s good china. A platter of steaks lays in front of Dad’s seat with side dishes spread out over the table. Everyone has a crystal flute in their hand. Mom and Dad each pass one to me and Jason and Felix hands one to Hunter.

“I know we normally dine informally,” Dad says, “but this is a special occasion. Our families have been tied together through our children for the last two years. Now one of those ties will be binding. To Sara and Jason,” he toasts raising his flute toward the middle.

A run of clinking fills the air as we tap glasses.

“You kids get one glass,” Dad says, pointing to each one of us. “That’s it.”

Arissa gives him a mock salute. “Yes, Sir!”

“Let’s eat!” Mom calls out.

“So, Sara,” Shelly says as we take our seats. “Will you be going back to L.A. with Jason?”

“We’re going to discuss what would be better for both of us this week.”

“That’s great thinking,” Alana says.

“It was all Jason’s idea.” I smile at her.

“I have such a smart son.” She beams and pinches his cheek.

We rest against the backs of our chairs with our hands on our full bellies when we finish eating.

“That was wonderful, you guys. Thank you,” I say.

“Yes, thank you everyone,” Jason echoes.

“We still have dessert!” Arissa exclaims with a bright smile.

“I think I need to digest all this first.” Felix extends his stomach and rubs it with both hands.

Shelly slaps his arm. “Have some class, Felix.”

“That is class for him, Mom,” Damian quips.

“What’s for dessert?” Jason asks, peeking over his shoulder at the island.

“Chocolate cake!” Arissa answers.

I glance at Arissa, who is grinning from ear to ear and appears ready to burst. I give her a perplexed look and she jumps out of her seat. Shelly and Alana clear the table while Mom cuts the cake and Dad makes coffee.

“I have something for you!” She stoops behind her chair, then straightens up with a pile of magazines in her hands and approaches me. “Your first set of bridal magazines.” She holds the stack out to me.

“Holy shit, Riss.” I set the magazines, which weigh a ton, in my lap. Hunter peeks at them.

“Mom and Alana bought them, so they’re really from them.”

“You suggested we pick them up, honey,” Alana says.

My head swims with thoughts of the details that will need to be arranged. Location, dresses, flowers, food, cake, music, invitations, guest list. “I have a lot of work to do.”

“I’ll help,” Jason says, taking the magazine on top and flipping through it.

“You know I will too,” Arissa adds, still standing next to my chair, hands clasped in front of her.

“Me three,” Hunter chimes in.

I know Arissa’s waiting for the question every best friend wants to be asked, but it’s fun to see her squirm sometimes. “Riss, will you be my maid of honor?”

“Yes!” She throws her arms around me. The magazines spill onto the floor. Damian, Felix, Hunter, and Jason shuffle around in their seats to pick them up.

“Riss,” I yelp, tapping her shoulder. “Need air.”

“Sorry!” She releases me and wipes her face with her fingers.

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