Family and Honor - K.N. Banet Page 0,114

werewolves. We saved one…then we killed the vampires who killed the others, and the nest wanted to cover it all up by killing us. Did I miss anything?”

“No, it seems your memory is just fine,” she said with a chuckle. “We’re getting you to the hospital where Jabari was flown. We have a few werewolf doctors in the pack who are willing to help him reset the broken bones before they heal wrong. You have a few cracked ribs yourself, you know. Also, a not so minor concussion.”

“You a doctor?” I asked. Where had I heard the name Emmy before? That was where I was blanking. An old friend of Heath’s didn’t sound right.

“No. I married one, and he trained me to be a field assistant.”


“You used to fuck Heath,” I remembered, though I probably shouldn’t have said it out loud.

She sputtered for a minute, and I finally opened my eyes to see her. Cascading red hair matched the blush on her face. Maybe I could have been less crude.

“Sorry. Not thinking straight…” I felt a little bad. “Good for you, marryin’ a doctor. Heath’s got bad history with ladies, I think.”

“Oh yeah. Twice a widower before I met him, and a baby momma since I left. I know his history with women.” Emmy laughed. “And now you.”

“Oh, it’s not like that,” I said quickly. “No. He’s a nice guy, but he’s a werewolf and an Alpha with it. Not my type.” Without the werewolf problem, he would totally be my type.

“Of course. He wouldn’t be your type, would he? A werewolf would love him, but then, you aren’t one of us, and that’s okay.” Her gentle hand ran over my hair again. I could see why a doctor married her. She had an amazing bedside manner. “Why don’t you rest? We’re almost at the hospital.”

I nodded, closing my eyes. When the vehicle pulled to a stop, my eyes opened again as the back was opened. Emmy climbed out first as I let them lift me out on the stretcher I was on.

It took some time, but I was cleared to get up and move once I was in the hospital. Only a few hours, but too long to me, for some reason. We were somewhere in Seattle, but I didn’t know the name of the hospital. If I had my way, I was never coming back to this state for as long as I lived, even if that was an eternity.

“Where’s my brother? His name is Jabari,” I asked a nurse who passed through my room. I had been left alone when I was cleared to move around, and while that was fine, I had people to look out for. Heath would be fine. He was with other wolves. Jabari was an old werecat who could prove to be a problem for a lot of people if he suddenly decided he didn’t feel safe.

“Come with me. I’ll show you.” She smiled at me kindly, and I trotted out of the room after her. My head hurt with each step, but that was fine. Everything was settled in my mind. I just needed to get my brother and my werewolf and go home.

She led me into a quiet, lonely room at the end of the hall.

“We put him in here under heavy sedatives when the doctors were done with him. His age and species means he’ll burn through them soon.” She waved me in, and I left her at the door, going to the large man in the bed in an unnatural sleep.

Bedside vigil wasn’t something I was good at, but there was no one else there. If Zuri had been in the States, she wouldn’t leave his side. None of them would. I couldn’t.

It felt like hours, but he began to stir. The first thing I saw that showed he was waking up, though, was the deep inhale and flaring his nostrils, letting me know he was sniffing for enemies or allies.

“Little sister,” he greeted softly. “I’ll be fine. Tell me you saw a doctor.”

“I’ve been done. Waiting on you to wake up so we can go home. You wanted to come to my territory for a little while, and I don’t want Hasan yelling at you when you’re not one-hundred percent.”

“Ah, now you grow protective. I’ll be sure to tell Zuri there’s a sister here in the States willing to baby her brother when she feels he needs to be babied.”

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